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This is an unfolding story of the subtle, yet profound things in our everyday lives. We take so much for granted! This website is composed of year and years of my gratitude list.
I am constantly searching for items for this infinite list.
This simple task has changed my life. I am much more likely to find things to be grateful for, than things to complain about.
Deep within most souls lies this gift of immense gratitude. Your gift is waiting, with great anticipation to be unwrapped. You will not want to miss the party!
Please share. The only way to truly keep the beautiful things in this life is to give them away.
Gratitude sent out less than once a month. If you would like to be on the distribution list please email....
Jan 2018
1-Today is over, plans, end of work week, reflection.
3-Driect deposit, compromise, solution, truth, recognizing truth.
4-A nice bed.
6-Puppy joy, a nice date with my sweetie, a new set of nails, a pair of pants on the clearance rack that fit perfectly.
8-A plea for prayer, feeling good for the first time in a long time-it’s a spiritual touch. I love my job, the puppy, an incoming call.
9_Meeting my 3 goals again, meditate, walk, 50 kegels, help from a puppy.
Sunshine, getting pictures hung, goals achieved, plans for Zumba
11-The company of a puppy who adores me, shoveling snow, lots of beautiful snow, having some of my photography on the wall.
12-Kind people, glasses, paintings, mobile and online banking, sparkles, new beginnings, being abstinent today.
13-Another day, love, text messages, nice systems, the puppy
14- Washing machine, play, contact lenses.
Sparkly frost, trying something new, a 2-mile walk
16-puppy joy, recovery from being a phyco bitch early in the day, bed shopping, a nice day with my sweetie.
17-Sparkles, doing something hard out of my comfort zone, clearance sales.
18-Thrift stores, offense, Johnny, being the passenger, another day with my honey.
19-Affection, Christmas lights on a timer.
20-Feeling better than I did, socks, thrift stores, journals.
21-New windshield wipers, football, God is big enough-I’ll eventually find Him.
25-A new bed, a cute boyfriend, the deadly depression passed, I took courage and did the harder thing and lived.
26-A cuddly puppy, a cuddly boyfriend, being well cuddled, a walk with Mary a vibrant 83-year-old with a walker, a new friend.
27-A very nice bathrobe, words with friends, Alexa, humor, a new bed.
28- Butt warmers, socializing, Johnny, a mess in the living room-because I have grandkids. Squash.
29-Grandboys, the grand girl, grandpa, the color purple, Alexa.
30-A weird day, good news, $20,000 deposit, debt relief, insurance approval letter, seeing all my family members today.
31-Quality time with Cassandra, tithe, helping, being helped, allowing rather than manipulating.
Feb 2018
1-Walk with Mary, a big check, grandpa, text messaging, new nails, the big moon, Christmas lights, classical music, tears.
2-Helping both girls buy their dream cars today, connection, seeing something more clearly.
3-A joyful puppy, soft lights, Grammy’s birthday, the ability to forgive, medical procedures.
4-Warm weather, looking and researching a camera upgrade, super bowl was a great game.
6-I will walk, fellowshipping-connecting through humor, a shift, my kids, grand kids, Dennys.
7-Drawing monkeys with grandchildren, an upgrade with my camera, seeing Bubba, puppy joy
8 A walk with Mary, a new to me meeting, getting a fit bit, my own space to meditate in.
9-Turning lanes, ropes, the little Ford Ranger named Junior, change.
10-A fit bit, pretty nails, help vacuuming my car, health insurance, a rooster clock.
11-Giving someone comfort, seat heaters, Christina music, a photography gig coming up.
12-A pleasant work shift, friends, Idaho, a nice rooster clock, my soul yearning for home.
13-A smooth ride, hugs from Rose, a fun photo shoot, winter Olympics, singing at the top of my lungs in my smooth ride.
14-A very intimate romantic Valentine’s day, mind blowing sex, bliss. An appointment for Laski, excitement, anticipation
15-The pick-up, the I don’t drink, find a restaurant treasure, a weird day.
16-Time with my sweetie, tracking sleep, locally grown and produced products.
17-The way a puppy smells after a bath, google maps, fresh air, grand babies, hugs
18-Garbage service, recycling, being half a couple, wishing for abstinence, that I am not a cow living outside with -6 temperatures.
Calculators, having a garage, breath, bright sunshine in a crisp day, heaters.
21-A brisk walk, camera on my cell phone, a special dinner with all 3 grandkids, newcomers.
22-Excited anticipation of something I have waited for over a decade for, time outside, family.
23-Getting LASIK today, the hardest part is over, George’s nice comforting strokes.
24-Pretty nails, reading glasses, cute puppies, a new chapter.
Beginnings of endings, chicken clocks, text messaging, journaling, words with friends.
26-Good works, ethics, Thrive vitamins, over the hump of winter, healthy competition, that I don’t smoke or drink.
27-A day with my sweetie, Costco, online banking, completing sign up for a college photography class.
28-All 3 grandkids at once, an answered prayer, shaker bottles, sharing, longer light, Sandpoint.
March 2018
1-Puppy Power! Nice things, spending the night with all 3 grandkids, pretty nails, not having to deal with contact lenses.
3-Alexa, Echo with nice sound to play Pandora. Reading glasses, George’s humor, beautiful classical music, photography, getting the place in Ponderay back.
4-A walk with a toddler and puppy in the sunshine, good timing, a nice home.
5-A nice car, my phone helped pass a very long shift, earbuds, a happy puppy.
6-Standing up at a bully, respect, avoiding gossip, garbage service, a puppy bugging me, a cuddly boyfriend.
7-Seeing grand kids, lessons to learn, my headache went away.
8-Relief, Alexa, humor, pictures, response, options, longer light, going back to standard time soon, the soft glow of Christmas lights.
9-A long walk, toddler love, choices, sweet kisses from a man I love, Alexa, Pandora
10-Koda, a kid’s grab bag-so fun, support, a new bra, sparkles.
11-A warm sunny day.
12-My life just how it in the moment even when in pain, my life isn’t how imagined.
13-Spontaneous visits, time away from home, opportunity for growth, the beauty of Sandpoint.
14-Straps, routine, simplicity, a new book with a new concept to read, communication, milestones.
15-Billy pay and online banking, going to a meeting, the puppy loves me so much.
16-A walk with new friends, friendly people, cute puppies, being of service, appreciation.
17-Basketball, March Madness, 18 years of not taking a drink, Facebook.
18-Walking, 4 meetings this week, people will love me if I let them, what I have already learned, God.
19-Patterns, wall hangings, napkins, holding hands, incorporating new spiritual practice-simple thinking of God instead of a problem, texts and calls from grandchildren.
20-Meetings, blankets, connection, friends, laughter, sharing my friends, a new set of nails, veterinarians, nice people, reading glasses.
21-God gifted me with a first day following the food plan with ease, spontaneous time with Ali and Rose and Geo all together. A good meeting, prayer, the Golden Key, classical music, lists.
23- The truth, music, a nice in-home date night, being abstinent, health, a new friend.
24-Sharing my life with George, shoes, pink lady apples, day 3, phone calls, love.
25-Clouds, the smell of George, outreach calls, back on track, my nice car
26-Good vibes, humor, hearing and saying “either choice is not wrong” at the same time. Pot, establishing new relationships, acceptance, the piano.
27-A nice day with family, making a decision about a tenant/roommate, puppy power, my goober guy.
28-A day filled with family, shooting hoops with grandkids and Geo, my computer, “think of God instead” works!
29-When a path is clear, turning off my cellphone a little walk, Pandora radio, connection, effort to connect.
30- Puppy help, getting a bonus at work, commination, Wi-Fi
31-A feeling of freedom when someone lets go of expectations of me, a beautiful full moon.
April 2018
1-Laughter, starting a photography class tomorrow and yoga, work was smooth, changing my attitude.
2-College campus, people who love me, reading glasses, not having contacts to deal with.
3-Schedules, raspberry plants, quite meditation, change of plans, creativity, using my brain.
4-Puppy love, music, atmosphere, organization, prayer, options.
5-Balance, making a new friend, sharing my photography, Rhythm and structure, boundaries, abstinence, sparkles, great meetings.
6-Toddler joy, company, 6AM, grace, compromise, being flexible.
7- Healing
8-A nice connection, city bus, a very happy puppy, ritual is in the word spiritual, listening when prompted.
9-Broccoli, designs of roosters, routine bed and wake times are so stabilizing, balance.
10-Opportunity, investment, my honey, abstinence, friends, plans, puppies, rooster coasters, photography.
11-Learning, doing something really hard, detoxification, not swearing when I wanted to.
12-A nice nap, a nice meeting, a nice dinner, a nice dentist office-even thought the news was not good. Doing the work, connection.
13-The company of a puppy, being in Sandpoint, color, George, dishwashers, reading glasses.
14-A long walk along the water, Koda’s 5th birthday party, planting blueberry plants at Grandpas, discovery.
15-Taxes, tires, rain, the sound of rain, the smell of rain, the wet of rain, the peace in rain, photography.
16-Things have a way of working out, pretty pink nails, organizing,
17-Trust, practice, paintings, hyasin, deadlines, money, online banking.
18-A full life, taking moments of stillness, classical music, someone asked me for help.
19-seeing all my family today, my car, meetings, I am not alone.
20-Driving barefooted with the windows open, handing out with Johnny all day, yard sales, errands.
21-My lovely multicolored pen, a photography assignment that challenges me, Les Schwab
22-Gread puppy love, the 4 G’s (Gratitude/Goals/Good/Glitches), a smooth workday, the pickup.
23-Sunshine, laughter, rice, being part of a couple, deadlines, progress.
24-Planting bush sweet peas with my sweetie, having a chill day, getting stuff done, frog sounds.
25-Excerize, flowers, perfect timing, schedules, time with family, flexibility.
26-Goals, my sweet honey bunny, cleaning my desk, AA meetings, baby goats, nice sunny days.
27-Throwing rocks in the water, old comfy pink chairs, old friends, gut feelings.
28-Someone picked up the phone when I needed to talk. A cuddly puppy, time with grandkids.
29-When people have depth, spirituality and consciousness, winking, fabulous clouds, goals achieved, goats.
30-Beautiful music, black and white prints, spiritual assistance, doing something that impressed me, the pain woven in my day, my job.
May 2018
Deep appreciation for the people in my life, driving barefoot in the rain, an intense rainstorm, nice dentist-even when they carry bad news.
A date with a. 5-year-old a toddler hug, a canceled class, visiting chickens.
Red sparkly nails, being of service to my sweetheart.
Help, being helpful, bare feet, yard sale season is back, birds, bugs, sunglasses.
My car, this day is almost over, tulips, daffodils physical health, that I love my job.
Seeing someone put great effort into being nice when it was hard, Frogs, open windows, hard rain.
Being deeply inspired and have a sense of purpose that has injected into my well-being, shifting schedules that sync, clouds, plumbing, Johnny, George.
Skirts, seeing all grandkids, being home, being able to walk, spare batteries.
Healing rest, photography, Mormons, Sandpoint Idaho, George, a loving puppy.
Integrity, communication, a date with my sweetie, a fun project loaded with self-growth.
Wanting life, a fun photoshoot, a new bed, figuring something out, Sandpoint, seeing Rose and Ali.
Resources, experience, ice, geese, bird sounds, Freedom from alcohol.
More that 1 gift awaited me at work tonight, frogs, fresh air, learning, heat.
My work week is over, hot sun, puppy love, George smells good.
The smell of spring, a picture party, my friends, 2 newcomers, my nice car, having a him.
A deep meaningful spiritual experience shared with another. Keeping gratitude, modeling, dinner at Denny’s with grandsons.
The pound of an intense downpour, my great boyfriend even though we are fighting, I wish to shift into gratitude. He’s cute, funny and he loves me. Thumb drives, the gift of exploring photography at a deeper level, people, strong meetings.
19-A full day, planting a baby garden, buying a lawn mower, going to a parade, experiencing deep anticipation for something that didn’t happen, waiting.
Puppy power, planting tomato plants with my sweetie, birds, listening, being willing to be uncomfortable.
Baby ducks and goslings, getting a very fine computer delivered, Goodwill, George, a new way home.
My fantastic new computer, warm nights, learning how to make a panorama photograph, a successful visit with in-laws, a visit scheduled with Bishop.
Planting flowers in the hot sun, durability, barefooted, sprinklers, connection, visits, service.
The support and love of a little puppy on a difficult day, spring, the chair I am sitting on, napkins, Mormons.
Being in Sandpoint, the lake, my house, gardens, recycling with ease in Washington, when people don’t litter.
Communication, Grocery Outlet, hoses, beautiful tomato plants, nice things, a spiritual path, earbuds, fingernails, a very nice visit with Grandpa.
Accurate records, the truth, phone calls, including God, moments of clarity that I am exactly where I want to be.
BBQ with friends, lawnmowers, a big friendly moon, Christmas lights in May, a nice connection with George.
Boxes, mail, Amazon, thrift stores, nice sprinklers, flower skirt that was my grandmas, plans with Ali
Knowing to refrain from speaking when my soul is screaming, routine, learning, I have enough.
Simplifying, letting go of stuff I don’t need, meetings, pausing when agitated, the smell of Murphy’s soap oil.
June 2018
Flowers, a drive to Montana with Ali and Rose, Johnny, George, keyboards with number pads, being home, I am loved, I’m not lonely.
Communication, knowing it will work out, payer, experience, warmth, my growing affection for George.
A short walk with my sweetie, floss, music, things that enhance my life like reading glasses/toilet paper, my computer, books, vision.
Allowing tears that appear for no reason, sparkles, small victories, an affectionate puppy.
Grandkids, balls, Denny’s, planting a flat or marigold, fresh air, a warm fuzzy purple lap blanket, research, sharing myself with others. I love George.
Outside perspective, editing, a big screen, people want to spend time with me, bird sounds, pretty fingernails.
Being of service to someone who was being of service and it involved a camera & I got to be on both sides, big floppy hats, a fabulous dinner with my sweetie, a meeting on gratitude. Synonyms of gratitude include; thankfulness, appreciation, indebtedness, recognition, acknowledgement.
Photography, prints, helping support someone I know rather than a company. A God moment between ae and someone I barely knew, showing up for my daughter, alone time, washing my car, Murphy’s soap oil.
My portfolio is done, being prepared, allowing someone their opinion & choice without judgment, a fire place on a cold rainy day.
Coffee, cool coffee mugs, planting, timers, colors, responsibility, touch.
Recognizing the “Mormon Glow” and saying something, watching my client do something she loves, patient people.
A hard day and getting through it, dogs.
The end of the quarter, a nice car, bedtime is sweeter when I am exhausted.
Sparkles, alone time, nice pillows, clothes dryers, cantaloupe, deleting drama.
Automatic payments, a canceled photoshoot led to a spontaneous one, the big book, ears, laundry.
A weird day, I took pictures with the camera 2 days in a row, Johnny at birthday parties, George as a part of my day, LH, family, alone time. It was all good and crowded.
A nice cordless drill, hanging curtains a year after we moved in, going to lunch and a movie with Geo and son on Father’s Day.
A happy birthday for George, a fun day at work, Pandora Radio.
Milestones, kisses from a toddler, open windows, trying not to complain, people love me.
The joy of a puppy, being of service, letting go of old expectations, nice summer nights, planning stuff.
Someone at a meeting said they could not smell God and I thought of all the ways I smell a piece of God. A baby’s head; hyoscine; line dried sheets; puppy’s breath; the smell of George; hay; after the rain; pineapple.
A yard sale haven, a pretty tied die blue dress, a very cute tiny puppy on my lap, growing grass, tomato plants.
Having a 2-year-old birthday boy over, candles, $1 geraniums, yard sales.
Silverwood with Geo and grandboys, Aloe Vera, I haven’t sunburned in years, pot, reading glasses, bedtime, humor.
Change of plans, a 4lb best friend, open windows, slowing down, supporting local business.
Abilities, change through effort, calendars, therapy, George, a purple petunia with white dots that took my breath away.
A day at home, my bathrobe, no plans for tomorrow, meditation.
Fresh organic blueberries, sharing a rainbow with my sweetie, Costco, sharing my life with George.
The end of the month, realizing I am choosing what I have in my life, bedtime. Pretty fingernails.
July 2018
Planting in the garden, the wind doesn’t always blow like this, support, the growth that comes from hard things, calls from grandchildren.
I’m not grateful for a fucking thing.
Nasty moods pass, I’m so grateful when the ranger broke down on the side of the road it wasn’t 90 degrees, the company of a sweet puppy, a call to a stranger.
A nice day with my sweetie, uniting my windchimes for the first time in a long time, cooking, preparing, dresses.
When holidays are over, bird calls, painted toenails, hose, people who keep appointments.
Johnny travels well, a fun name that tune game, landscape beauty
Card games with family, this trip is almost over, mints, meeting a Jessica.
Home, the sweet smell of hay, lovely tones, procrastination, awareness, Johnny is such a good little dog and traveled well.
The journey even when it’s hard-growth usually is, being alone-truly alone-even no dog right now, trains, a cat photoshoot, summertime.
The smell of hay, open windows, cute puppies, dentists-even if they bear bad news, technology, a nice dinner with m y sweetie.
Getting a pedicure for the first time, the smell of petunias, hot days, sharing, the though tope and pray just entered my head.
97 degrees without humidity, floating on a tube down a river, JC Penny’s, a day with my hot goober dude.
Completing my first successful photoshoot edit in lightroom, getting clarity financially, a nice computer, likely financial relief, a bonus guided mediation, bonus connection with calls, summer nights, a very nice computer.
Adjusting, he mows the grass, a swim in Medical Lake, making a rental agreement, getting office on my nice computer, friends.
Compliments change things, A day with the grandboys, swimming in a pool and not disliking it, a child’s laughter, baby babble, water cans, bare feet, Christmas lights in July.
Getting 2 new windows bring brightness and clarity, getting lots done, Les Schwab, people who speak clear English.
Junior is on the road again, friends, support, humor, satire, no-after looking it up the dictionary, voice recognition, Alexa, George got through a Milestone today.
A day alone feeds my soul. Cleaning, not going in a car today, grandkids call me, summer.
Companionship, signing a lease to rent my house, when people do what they say, Sandpoint Idaho, writing.
Alexa, text messages, thinking of people, when people think of me, 4lbs of affectionate joy, last 6AM-2PM shift, I don’t always get what I want because I can’t see the big picture, summer.
Working the steps, a 1st bike ride of the season, floating on a river, perspective, water.
This day is over, Jean shorts, pockets, the Library, fresh air, frogs, detachment.
Having all 3 grandkids for the night in my own space-they are so cute, FA, time away from my sweetie, coloring.
Sleeping party on the porch with my grandkids, classical music, Alexa, closing my house to myself, closure, good manners, being home.
One less key on my key chain simplifies my life, friends, reading, laughter.
Costco, bulk, recycling, being the goofball that picks through garbage to recycle. Alexa in my meditation room, deep penetrating summer heat.
August 2018
Polite drivers, holding my tongue, classical music, working hard, thrift stores, beautiful petunias.
A network of support, other people’s pain helps me so I’m hoping my pain helps others, being uncomfortable, George mows the grass. Paying attention to water consumption.
Johnny, a successful bus ride with my client, taking a game off my phone frees me, anticipation.
Seeing old friends and a vast network of support, Kelly Ward’s beautiful memorial, missing chickens and them getting to visit with some.
Surrendering the struggle, dinner with family, cute grandkids, riding my bike, running barefoot in the park with children.
My shift is over. Pandora radio on and echo Alexa, classical music, my nice stuff, multicolored pens.
Rose, my car, summer heat, being of service, curls, not wearing contacts anymore, my purple backpack.
Being a grandma, having a tiny dog, air conditioning, hot days, bare feet, bills, the people who create the things I have, money to pay for them, cycles.
My client was delightful tonight, starting a shared journal, guidelines, quality time.
Alexa, a nice day with my sweetie, pedicures together, grocery shopping, candles, summer heat, connections.
A nice weekend with Geo, connection with others, bare feet, a tie-dye dress, playing at the Casino for $7 for 2 hours, our nice sink, George touches me so much.
A walk with my client, online banking, study, deeper honest, striving for purpose/clarity/purity.
Watching a toddler run, spending time with my grandsons and family, Denny’s restaurant, getting an Al anon sponsor, Alexa, text messages, chores.
Accounts, naps, a call from my grandpa, having a very cute affectionate dog, Geo is growing a goatee-I like it.
Service, a great hippie dress, hot summer, fresh grown tomatoes, a nurturing environment.
Realizing what seems like bad news could be a blessing in disguise, Geese, getting off work early, I didn’t get the stomach flu going around.
8-8-18, rest, riding my bike in a dress and bare feet with a tiny dog in the basket-we were really cute. Comfortable positions, the ease I have of doing so many things, physical health, sharing my life.
Smoke isn’t usually an issue, another Alexa for the house, a chill day, humor, a vibrant sex life.
Johnny turned 1 today, back up photos, Amazon Prime, spiritual pursuit.
Hair ties, random people, beehives, granddaughter, being of service, gel pens, meetings, phone calls.
Playing squash-even winning a round, a deep meaningful therapy appointment, my mother, a nice visit with family, picking corn.
Open windows, technology, patience, having a breakthrough, the TV isn’t usually on, sparkles, connecting with people on the phone.
What I think isn’t always what is. Realizing it more with practice, reading thoughtful books, keeping my brain awake, possibility, reality, the moon.
The love of a dog is like none other, time with family, printers, an obvious mistake, corn on the cob.
Visitors, planning a party, therapy, being willing to practice enlightenment.
Being of service, the gift of desperation, dogs, prayer, support, Rose was really good for a long wait.
A fully day with my granddaughter, direction, humility.
Stress can make something break that’s not working, having time for my granddaughter.
Nourished by the stillness of the moment, carving time out to be silent, doing hard things, support.
Awareness, cold calls, integrity, learning, beautiful music, haircuts, piano, enough.
September 2018
A BBQ with my sister/niece/daughters/grandson/George, Loosing at cribbage (means we played), college football, taking a walk, talking to 2 people from AWOL.
An unexpected surprise of no WIFI or phone service for 3 nights-I will learn and grow by not being online for a while, unplugging and I connect.
Meditating outside, crickets, seeing wild deer & turkeys, re reading something and getting much from it, sharing seasons with people.
A relaxing day, quiet time, no one is talking to me right now, chicken plates, nice things, the truth, roads, a last swim of the season, sand.
Going to Goodwill with a special person, my 2 years old grandsons Zane & Johnny 4 lbs. of joy, a retreat away, Wi-Fi, being home.
A nice day with my grandson and special friend, rest, responsibility, 2 headed dragon for a 2 year old, family, Pandora Radio, looking for value in difficult people.
Special Olympics, purple Christmas lights, journal swapping, red ink, sparkles, a hot day, Lynn Hart.
Dentists, playing cards with family in lay, office space, flaxseed oil, Costco, transition, learning.
Looking forward to some time alone, laughter, practicing gratitude, spirituality, a comfortable bed.
Slowing down with intention, trying to live intentionally, atmosphere, line dried sheets, a good movie.
Lessons of confidence, observing Koda’s Karate class, a date with a 5-year-old, staying slow today, balance, a cute puppy, a cute boyfriend, a nice life, recovery, physical and mental health.
My health, the ability to run & jump, considering service at a deep level, not having tattoos.
A birthday celebration, butt warmers in the car, a garage, a garbage disposal, a sweetheart, preparation, an Alanon sponsor.
Laptop, photos, memories, good manners, excited anticipation, rain, safe drivers, years of gratitude, insight, planning.
The small window in the shower, the small dog in my lap, an open window, line dried sheets smell, technology.
My very nice computer, years of gratitude, knowing how to type, curtains, open windows, the joy of knowing Chris Riffe, grief at his passing, time with Geo, a tiny dog on my lap, flashlights, candles, change of season.
The connection I have with my client, a new phone, lights, the ability to let go, that I don’t drink, holding my tongue, candles, the gift of outreach calls.
A baby walk with a 3 years old, a special rock, service, a good meeting, grief, tears, depression, commitment to now.
The gift of prayer, the gift of tears, a walk with Rebecca, being a monster grandma and a gorse, playing with Rose, seeing Ali with her guitar, therapy, ceremonies, leaves, life, death, the beauty of dyeing leaf. Sandpoint, schedules, classical music.
Resting all day after a major dental appointment, powerful piano playing, candles, my comfy robe, the moon, the changing season, this moment.
Grandkids, opportunity to be, season change, open windows, decorating, a place for things, the awe of a 2-year-old.
Cozy places, football, the glow of dusk, pens with flowers on the end, orange lights on the porch, beautiful music.
Time to recover from major oral surgery, noticing, garbage service, curb side recycling.
I should be able to escape the pain when I sleep tonight. I’m grateful I don’t have chronic physical pain.
Recharging, tomatoes, blankets, salt, tea bags, this will pass.
A wonderful lavender bubble bath with candles & classical music, the shave club, whatever felt like it was clenching down on my head has broken finally, Professionals with Empathy.
Today is over, a day of rest, phone apps, I have life, led lights, notifications, composting, meals.
Calling and getting support from my daughter, I trust this pain will pass and my body will heal-I want to trust anyway. Earbuds with volume control, candles, light, clarity, chronic pain has not been an issue in my life yet.
A nice day with my sweetie, I felt better with just an intense headache all day. Good music, such a nice computer. Helping getting Geo a phone, tape, football, step 3.
October 2018
A mellow first day back at work, candy crush wastes time efficiently a warm night, longing for something beautiful-pure-spiritual, longing for the country.
I’ve got to say it’s work to write a gratitude list when I am in this much pain, but I’m grateful to show up and notice moments. A lovely lavender bubble bath, my nice new phone, lots of sleep, a 2nd opinion in the morning, Johnny and his cute companionship, my mediation room, the ease in which I live, my nice things, that I don’t have cancer.
Compassionate people, 5 star experiences, naps, support, cute grandkids, cute drug stores, my sister, humor.
A tiny joyful dog that helps me so much, practice being still even when I want to go outside and play, statements, getting to a meeting, sharing my pain, a nice call from work to give me sick time.
My girls & grandchildren came to visit, twinkle light smart plugs, gradual connections, feeling better as long as I stay still, sponsoring.
Opportunity for stillness, familiar things, twinkle lights, dialogues with God, listening, seeking, allowing, breath.
Routine, pausing, the briskness in the air, getting to spend 5 minutes outside, geese, that I mostly stopped answering the him when he’s talking to himself, pain-I guess
The different shades of brown, intense noticing, empathy that is not manufactured, manufactured empathy is better than none.
Company, a baby walk, flannel shirts, such a comfortable house to heal in, quiet, missionaries, Everyone has such a unique story, the fireplace, open for a spiritual miracle.
The beautiful day, fall color, getting out of the house, a hug and kiss from my granddaughter, my. Nice car, butt warmers.
Nice people, less pressure by just telling work I need a medical leave, fixed mistakes, that I’m not a worrier.
People that inspire me, being part of a project, text messaging, writing, gifts, hugs from kids, band aids, cuddling.
Tie Dye, a celebration with friends, the amazing color of the season glowing with sunshine and crisp air, Sandpoint, knowing it’s home, time with Rose and Ali, less pain than last week.
Seeing my grandboys and taking a tiny walk in fall colors, a great football game, less overall pain today, making hippy hamade moisturizer, laughter, the company of a little dog.
Nice time with my sweetie, a wave of no pain, having an al-anon sponsor, twinkle lights, another good football game.
Koda, Karate, parks, outdoor recreation, no pot today, Pandora Radio, a slow day, George.
An appointment in a week for acupuncture, no signs of infection, when things work out just right, Karate lessons for Koda, respect, ice, audio books, sunshine, the beauty of letting go (look at the leaves)
Having Zane for a visit, bedtime waves of feeling good, options knowing this is temporary, 1 on 1 time with all 3 grandkids this week, doing less.
Taking pictures for the first-time a long while, learning curves help me grown, humor, editing.
A pumpkin patch, the serenity prayer, my camera, sunshine, squash, seasons, brilliant colors, fake nails, plans, cropping.
The moon, carving out time for myself, knowing my grandpa is near the end, taking pictures of Joe and Geo, yoga pants, bird clocks, Goodwill, my friend Karin.
I don’t know, being able to drive, being of service, Grandpa doesn’t hurt anymore, nice people hoses, Fall clean up.
Knowing that it (grandpa’s supposed hidden cash) ISN’T mine, freedom, developing a relationship with a partner, giving the dog a bath, brooms, candles, my desk, Amazon, free stuff.
Appointments, learning to be early, my grandpa’s legacy, desire to refrain from drama, trying acupuncture today, hot tea, decisions, the fireplace.
Fresh sheets, energy for a task that I am not prissy, the end objective, my grandpa, nice smelling lotion, digging deep Johnny, getting a goat kiss, photos.
Allowing grief, freedom from the bondage of greed, the amazing autumn colors, embarking on a partnership with sharing my grandpa’s house and 4 acres with Lovely little Loma, Facebook, hippie lotion, Trina, Karin, integrity brings such peace.
Orange, less bugs, time with Cass and boys, not having to be right, maybe, support, where I get my car serviced. A soft shirt, grief.
A call from grandchildren, a baby walk.
Acupuncture, a day with George, Thrift stores, Winco, specials, vests, coupons.
Being with Ali and Rose, Kristin, comfortable clothes, brilliant fall colors, a fun photoshoot, Sandpoint, home.
Learning a new normal, my therapist named Bambi, friends, automatic, my organic bed, commination, windshield wipers, my nice car, being my tiny dog’s “person”.
November 2018
Acupuncture, Al-anon, oil changes, studded snow tires, moo moo’s, flannel shirts, getting make up in the mail, editing a fun photoshoot, slowing down, loving an unlovable person (Mike)
An entire day at home, appointments, the truth, messenger, attention from phot I took and that were taken of me, comfortable clothes, my desk, being proactive seeking a diagnosis.
Surrendering what I wanted to do to what I had to do-my new normal feels overwhelming-but I’m going to do it-because I have to so I wish to embrace my reality for today, vocabulary, a visit from missionaries, finding a new show, caution, weight loss.
Empathy, sunshine, a bonus meeting, my chicken clock, a nice bed to sleep in with a cute cuddly goober guy, Amazon Echo’s, breaks from pain.
Abstinence, that I don’t drink, sincere vulnerability, soulful singing, I have options, sweet kisses.
Filling a notebook with words, autonomy, a bonus meeting, special time with Koda, feeling better for 2 days.
A pain free day felt amazing, learning a chunk of money is coming, there’s always enough, setting boundaries, air pods, nice things.
Old friends, new friends, another bonus meeting today, people love me, a new sponse, the window, I’m proud of myself for getting a mammogram.
Mobile banking, a new friend, not getting sucked into drama, snow, mail, my phone, black and red flannel shirts, yoga pant, not hiding my head in the sand about something painful.
How much I enjoy George, options, time off of work to be of service to my daughter who is trying to save her life, footprints, that piazza doesn’t trigger me, humor.
An obvious answer that is hard, the energy of a 2-year-old, time with George, color, preparation, empathy and understanding, completion.
Costco, cool candles, football, plans, saying no when I want to say yes-this is a no answer, having Zane, today.
Meetings, knowing my tiny dog.
Clouds-defiantly clouds, driving into a beautiful sunset, a walk on my beloved trail by the lake, therapy, my really nice care with such studdly tires, my nice house with a room just for the big TV, ready to go back to work after 2 months. (this did not work out due to EXTREME pain in the head)
Beautiful piano music, a great conversation with a program new friend, relief from drama, time with Koda, Karate, Denny’s, seeing turkeys in Spokane.
The scariest moment of my life lasted less than 30 seconds (MRI), a long walk with lots of pictures, a bonus meeting, a chance meeting, God’s designs, my tiny companion, loving George.
A nice day with Geo, the fireplace, Christmas lights, laughter, memories, denser notebooks.
A weekend without stress and with connection, decorating, Christmas lights, lemon ginger tea.
Many moments of experiencing exactly what was going on in that moment without distraction, not saying what I wanted to nag at Eyedrops.
Spending all day with Rose, Pend Oreille Bay trail, Johnny is such a good dog, relaxing bath that was the perfect temp, visiting Bryson and family, embracing being so homesick and just crying hard.
Time with Geo, nice phone calls,
Working for the 1st time in 2 months, carving a turkey to be of service, butt warmers, games that eat time when needed, how happy Johnny was to see me.
Johnny Love, big snowflakes, who I am/have been/am becoming, all-wheel drive, experience in snow studly ties. SNOW
Resting, no resisting the pain of now, Johnny, the fireplace, decorating the Christmas tree, George’s enthusiasm.
Football on a beautiful TV, given space to hurt, how supportive George is being, my vision, touch, smell, humor.
Embracing the pain by grieving and feeling it-allowing the pain to penetrate all of me-letting it go through me so when it releases me I let go.
Adjusting plans, Koda, Karate, Denny’s, afternoon affection, Christmas lights, changing schedule, George.
Practicing more awareness around the present moment with chronic pain, I’m not alone, I have time and space to be consumed by the pain, learning the name of more classical music, the place in my heart that music touches.
I’m so grateful I am not a worrier, embracing my new reality laced with grief, Grace June, getting clear impressions from God is a spiritual miracle-and I have been praying for one.
Trying something new, walking by Medical Lake, I’m Johnny’s person-I’m so lucky, losing hope means I can find it again, Karin.
My legs work well, an hour walk, a cool chicken paper towel holder, my oldest grandson Bryson.
December 2018
A nice fulfilling day with my sweetie, having a garage, gadgets, the Sweeplings, the background, follow up, a minute alone, today.
Authenticity, gratitude, humor, close football games, heaters, a snuggly boyfriend that smells good.
Writing a letter to a grandchild, tying some gratitude, noticing it was not like I remembered it.
My head was only at a 2-3 pain what I very needed brake! Cleaning my desk, envelops, maps, organization, Koda, the dollar store.
A day with George, manageable headaches, a very cute tine dog, sports announcers, a soft purple lap blanket, music.
Doing things when I don’t “feel” like it usually brings positive results, not going back to bed this morning, reflection, conversation, fellowship, the “it” (anything) is temporary.
Walking an hour by a lake in the frigid cold, SA, people I miss, coffee, the fireplace, Geo appreciating me.
Scarves, help from God, an ordinary day, practicing letting go of irrelevant details, the Sweeplings, choices, I choose this, (there’s deep contentment in that statement), sharing my life with someone.
New friends, old friend, football, music, that I love a George, when I don’t hear or say the F word.
Commitment, structure, format, keeping my mouth shut, respecting other’s belief, when people use blinkers for pedestrians, a very love pain day finally, making a decision to write a book.
Purpose, a check for $9,144 from my grandpa who recently passed, what a nice dog Johnny is, snow, perseverance, 2 days without pot, a nice car.
Therapy, acceptance, the pain of this moment, a tiny fur companion the helps me, serving, Christmas music, audio book.
Teaching Koda Go Fish, he is very smart, tape, the fireplace, nice carpet.
A walk, wrapping presents, time alone, being lonely, reflection, snowmen, a nice bath, tickets to a championship college football game.
A very affectionate man, coffee, “rushing the field” after watching EWU college football team win.
No plans for the headache to ruin, steady rain, football, Christmas time, not being single, flexibility.
Someone did service from me, someone allowed me to be of service to them. Johnny, eyedrops, wrapping presents, stuffing a stocking, the people I know.
Laughter, Geo and I get along humorlessly, watching a strong wind push a cart straight into the car rack, the Dollar Tree, feelings, stoking, support for TN (Trigeminal Neuroglia)
Karate, grandkids, laughter, Rose, my soft bathrobe, my car, markers, George.
The intensity of my life helps me learn-even if I’m not in the mood, humor, so many nice memories with grandkids over the last few days, super cool candles.
My headache does not floor me all days, writing, dialogues with God, transition, talking about overspending, friends.
A long walk with a tiny happy dog, a break from intense pain for a while, practice at sucking it up with big triggers, empathy.
When I spend time with authentic people, typing gratitude from 2011, change, entertainment, winning at the casino.
Classical music, my space, the big beautiful TV, the tiny dog on my lap, sever pain helps me to be present to the moment.
Seeing all 3 grandkids at one time, plans to have 2 overnight, playing pinochle, fresh snow, laughter, pain.
Joy, even when I can’t feel it, Geo and I have been getting along well, read and black flannel shirt.
Grandkids, sledding, blonde leg hairs, snow, the fireplace, a great bath, sitting still listening to the frozen snow pelt the window, water, pot helps the headache that consumes me (nothing else touches it)
4 years with my goober guy, cards with friends, a photoshoot barter for double massage in the hopper, a bonfire, the kitchen sink, being tall.
The searing pain does not keep me awake at night-nor is it triggered by eating or wind like others. A day at home with Geo. Support.
As good of a time I could have with a 7 headache, All day date with Geo.
January 2017
January 2016
Choices, options, sparkles, spell check, Facebook, tournaments affection, connection.
Caution, recliner chairs, the truth.
Response, comfort, naps, massage, that I don’t drink.
That I can walk/jump/run/skip, the mail, plans, profiles, consciousness.
Commination, laughter, contentment brimming over, baby kisses, spiritual conversations.
Giant snowflakes, sweet kisses, spiritual and intellectual stimulating conversation, routine.
Connection, the smell of George, baths, bathrobes, acceptance.
Really working to find something to be grateful for brings redirecting to my thinking. Contentment.
All the dumb asses help from a 2-year-old, George time, text messages, chargers, comedy.
Sledding, toddler enthusiasm, the trail, dog joy, deeper spiritual insight that is much different, Contemplating “God is everything or God is nothing”
Getting organized. Alone time in my home, laundry, dishes, I am just grateful for normal life.
A full day, getting my nails done, fingernail polish that changes colors with temperature. Conversations with depth.
Ethics, writing, verbs, communication, playfulness, praise, practicing awareness around complaining.
Precision, estimation, safety, playing cards with the ids, my cool fingernails.
Football, friendships, rain, hope, my nice thick soft bathrobe, aby hugs, growth.
Accountability, conscious, the dishwasher, a deep lesson in accepting what is even when I don’t want it to be.
Humor, text, the color orange, being satisfied, processing, plans, having a someone.
Effort, a simple solution to a seemingly big problem, there’s always enough, patience, forgiveness.
Being included, commas, being available, embracing reality, pens.
That feeling of falling in love, showing up for a friend, my grandpa called me, sleep.
Suspense, time away, therapy, sanity, progress, the little Red truck that keep going. (Junior)
Being useful, connection, laughter, Amazon, granny lotion, touch.
The speed limit, colors, dogs, Costco, hugs, Arnica.
Pinochle, heating pads, pondering, LED lights, sharing.
Appointments, a dog to cuddle with my granddaughter.
Chiropractors that don’t crunch, hand held shower head, relief.
Rest, tones, mail, George, Dr. Hoys ointment.
Intermittent periods in the day when I am free from intense back pain, the washer and dryer and dishwasher are working well, dish soap.
Friends, positive thinking, projecting, beautiful snow falling all day, Nutra bullet, clay baths, smooth legs.
My hard stuff isn’t always as hard as other’s hard stuff, healthy escape, socks, barefoot prints in the snow.
The truth, contacts, friends, fancy fingernails with sparkles, Hearing grammmmmmma! When he walked through the door.
Costco, response, grandkids, shoes, coupons, fresh snow
Ceremonies, candles, time, keys, tires.
Power windows and cruise control, pushing through my comfort zone, playing games, ultra sounds.
Lamps, padded flannel shirts, patience, test driving a few Subaru’s.
Head colds pass, cuteness, being home, a place for my things, my dogs.
Sand, toddlers & babies, this day is over, I will feel well again.
Rest, clipping dog nails, being silly asking for help.
New fingernails, and early valentines date, getting all fancied up, Koda put the Boggle gam in the microwave and pushed start-little twerp.
Prayer. Driving and listening to the radio, the DJ said that song was “You are Loved” by so& so and I just want you to know I love you. I looked up at a dirt suburban with I Love (heart shape) you written in the dirt on the back window. Then later I got a love text from my daughter (1st one ever)
It felt so good that I have a sweetheart on Valentine’s day again this year after so many years of being single, baby back packs, bubbles, sharing, giving.
2 hour walks with a toddler brings new perspective like jumping over mudpuddles, happy dogs, the sound of rain on the roof, socks.
Regaining health, the effort of commitment/sacrifice/responsibility, answers to questions, the sound of Geo’s voice.
Beautiful ugly shirts, pinochle, not having a cat box, flexibility, medical insurance, good health.
Fruit, being of service, cleaning up email clutter, humor, new people
Family, pretty fingers, a seafood rare treat, talking about what’s bothering me.
Naps, strollers, back packs, laughter, Costco, pink.
Outside work, recycling, determination, phases, hair ties, a 3 mile walk with a toddler, friends.
Tires, banks, handymen, electricity, taking my contacts out with the light working, productive days.
Variety, opportunity to do something I don’t want to do, garbage bins, emoncons, routine, taking care of a sick man.
Going with the flow, speaking my truth.
Allowing rather than forcing, “To thine own self be rue”, learning how to change, someone saying “we teach others how to treat us”
When answers are clear, healing, meeting, sleeping in, grandchildren, humor, bibs, my oldest daughter is in recovery.
The odd day, Rose’s happy army crawl, computers, checks, cinnamon tea.
Les Schwab customer service, 1st bike ride of the season, the spot bus.
. Bending over and picking something up with ease, humor, backing up photos and files, a toddler in my lap right now.
Filters, checking off stuff on my list, working from home, photography, baby hugs, seeing my grandpa.
A day at the beach with my family, shooting, stickers for going potty, naps
Getting it all done, not needing to have “the all” be everything, notification, touch.
Easy days, clouds, spiritual conversations, health, having a boyfriend, plans.
A special dinner, books, dog love, shared long car rides.
Clouds, talking wot God, talking about talking to God, remembering, acceptance.
Friendly people, another thing checked off the list, paper, breath, helping others helps me.
Thursdays, a blue dress, filters, feeling a shift coming, stickers and toddler scribbles in my notebooks.
Speaking my truth even when it was uncomfortable, it was well received, intermittent windshield wipers, beautiful wind chimes.
16 years without consuming alcohol, support, God, friends, conversations, good books.
Crocuses, graffiti, spell check, longer light, change, steady, just being average.
Organization, appointments, beg soft cozy bathrobe, practice.
Effort to connect to the moment, stability, meditation, sleep
Purple, Red, Blue, dimples, “getting there”, the journey, healthy escape.
Basketball, a green sunrise, toenails, anticipation, Pandora Radio.
Photo shoot, creativity, skill, candles, manners.
Thrift stores, holding hands, restlessness, networking, long walks.
The incredible influence I can have on a tiny human, noticing myself, I always get to cuddle at night.
Editing, a successful photoshoot, not getting too bothered about a no show.
Something new, discovering talent with a camera, beauty, the sound of rain on the roof.
Highlights, natural beauty, spring’s unpredictability, expansion, audio books.
Thrift stores, some alone time, I am wise enough to know I don’t know everything.
Pictures, moments frozen, health, a tea party, thrift stores, new friends.
Files, storage, smiles, birthday meetings, movie and dinner with a sweetie.
Basketball help from a toddler, being alive, giggles.
Meshing, healing, stability, discontinuing therapy for now, kindness, white beads.
When things are “just right”, old friends, photography, my grandson, laundry.
Speed, communication, plans, routine, knees, the ease at which I walk, stars.
April fools, doing the right thing when it was the harder thing to do. When people speak from their heart.
Roses, thorns, friends, brooms, feeling of security.
Trusting the process even if it isn’t what I would choose, classics, modeling T-shirts.
Basketball, right timing, being a passenger, the truth will be revealed.
Sunshine, tulips and daffodils just starting to loom, both grandchildren sitting on my lap, trusting the process even when I don’t like it.
Taxes, a half day by myself, pausing when agitated to find God, wash rags, the dishwasher, bare feet.
People, a new client, a very warm spring day, Bubba retrieves sticks out of the water like a lab (he’s a chihuahua), helping others, being home.
Thrift stores, my grandson, cuddling, acceptance, the Ford Ranger (Junior), Bras.
Pink toenail polish, the truth seeping through the cracks, nice spring days.
My grandson’s birthday party, super heroes, communication.
Email, being involved with someone’s life, the service of listening, schedules, Costco.
Answered prayer, being a conduit, medication, stability, meditation.
Learning to wait, balance, walks.
Growth, observation, eyeliner, heat, listening to my gut.
Fridays, naps, my watch, socks, fitting into pants I haven’t for a long time. Unsettling emotions that helpful lead to decisions, prayer.
Acceptance, sprouts, plans, photo jobs lining up.
Being home alone, holding hands & sweet kisses letting something really hard go.
Using my camera today for profit, weeding, the lawn is mowed, yard work, the 10th step.
Releasing expectations creates freedom, appreciation, bare feet.
Humility, a first long walk with Rose (10 months), Koda (3 years) for 2 miles, wading, variety, solutions.
Flowing skirts, hair ties, my watch, timers, sleep, praying then listening and getting a clear answer.
A clean kitchen, bones for the dogs, Winco, finishing studying the 12 tradition, toy cars on my bed.
Little Bunny Foo Foo, preparation, good meetings, long naps, being helpful, a prom photoshoot.
Walking in the rain with grandkids, a project to work together with George, Cassandra involving herself in my photography work.
Joy in shared everyday experiences, getting to make art with words today, communication, acceptance.
Staying alert during something hard, pulling weeds, inside jokes, a full day.
Feeling helpful first thing in the morning, new shoes for Koda, coupons, Facebook, Google drive.
Having enough, Ali is moving into her own apartment starting tomorrow.
Helping Ali move, getting the lawn mowed,
Racquetball, aspirin, sweatshirts, sportsmanship, water.
Unease, spiritual conversation, printers, manner, chargers.
Honesty, a nice tale and chairs for Ali, Costco, hydrogen peridocde will whiten my teeth.
I am not in pain, sharing gratitude, structure, food, variety, my grandson tickels my heart.
Noticing things to be grateful for, adjusting, being helpful, my kids, a nice bed, a clean house, audio books.
Bubbles, a toddler kiss, flexible plans, tomato plants, early spring, helping my grandpa.
Anticipation, having a pick-up, recovery, freedom from resentment, having a washer and dryer in my house, open windows, reflection.
Accepting what is, the dishwasher, a nice meal with George.
Sharing, morning sex, things pass, Winco, pink lady apples, deadlines, punctuality.
Deep Cleaning, compatibility, sharing, cuddling, big words, humor, volleyball.
Conversation, adjusting, dogs, a long walk, waste management.
Weeding, water, seeing amazement in a toddler’s eyes, baby hugs, showing up. Action counter to feelings to increase positive.
Quiet reflection, personal space, long socks on a cold day, reaching outside of my bubble to connect
Fun, batteries, being comfortable, being uncomfortable, bulk, organization.
Laughter, strong emotion, meeting “the parents”, seeing my sister, my ears.
Getting honest, feeling relief, hugs, connecting laughter, insight on spiritual awakenings and being available for them.
The sound of my grandson giggling in the other room, the smell of line dried sheets, planting flowers and tomatoes.
Limits, Literature, belonging, tape, leashes for dogs, big wheeled strollers, meetings, banks
Legs that work, research, customer service, manners, chivalry, balloons.
Choices, sitting in indecision and waiting, snuggles, stages so many options.
Help, naps, research, conversation, touch, quiet.
Test driving a box, non-pushy salesmen, Silverwood, rain, communication, having a boyfriend.
Spiders, steps, learning more each day of car searching.
The amazing smell of lilacs, work, plans, recycling, socks, water.
Getting a clearer picture, letting go of the rush, Bubba, relief, connection, communication.
Cars, not rushing, excitement, anticipation, saying no even with pressure, affection
Holding George’s hand most of the day, humor, Market Spice tea from Pike place market, that I don’t drink or smoke.
Beauty, green, hearing a goat, improvising, flexibility, change, falling in love slowly, silence.
My grandson, thinking of ways to reduce and simplify my life, test driving a really nice car, knowing that everything will be OK. Prayer.
Longing, making a decision about a day to decide, cards with a friend, taking a college photography class that starts Monday.
Being of service, taking a break from the car search, seeing old friends, a long walk on the trail.
The spaces in between, doing the right thing even when it’s the harder choice, letting God work by stopping control.
Speakers, people wanting to spend time with me, irritation passes, excel experience.
Getting closer to finding the right car with everyone I drive, my grandson calls me honey sometimes.
Kisses, the beginning of the end, cards, with friends, I normally don’t have anxiety.
Tough choices, knowing in my heart, allowing, feedback, Roses, birthday party, balloons.
The day before, being really excited, lemon scented candles, walks along the river holding George’s hand.
Buying a red car, more insight, a clicker that magically unlocks and locks my car (never had one before)
The new car, smoothness, I’m not normally irritable, toothpaste, new bras
Still moments, online banking, keys, funny toddlers, my daughter called just to tell me something funny he said, upcoming stationary.
Stickers, the red car, visiting with both kids and grandkids, giggles, ability to be comfortable.
Having passengers, walking, being on the front side of summer, flannel shirts, pretty earrings.
Laughter, the perfect temperature, looking forward to cuddling, tents, braids, silliness.
My healthy body, my grandson sitting on my lap, my new car, having passengers, adjusting.
Sparkly nail polish, seeing my dash for the first time at night, communication, child enthusiasm.
Last minute shopping, hours before my next grandson is born, humor, line dried sheets,
3 grandchildren, adjustment, projection, a red silkie nightgown, the touch lamp, George.
Touch, enthusiasm, fans, getting my hands in the dirt, cuddling, that I did not drive anywhere.
Not nagging, trains, music that fits the moment, my new car, moderation.
Transitions, house searching with my honey, little breaks, laughter, sharing, summer dresses.
Friends, a long swim on a hot day, Sandpoint, spending time with my kids and grandkids a lot lately, the color pink, yard sales.
Helping. Getting help, preparation, a clean car, vacation, time with my honey.
July 2016
Padded bras, new experiences, feeling love, humor, inside jokes, companionship.
Beer that doesn’t stink, doing things I don’t like.
An easy bedtime night, a nice car, stickers, stillness, Ferry boats, seeing a whale, a baby front pack, grandmaness.
I am not in pain, great effort, cards, connection, warming up after being very cold.
Zippers, health, giggly snuggles, gas cans, hair, being helpful.
Sorting stuff, getting rid of a big bunch of stuff, jars, spices, haircuts, choices, time with both kids just doing everyday life stuff.
Thrift stores, cell phones, letting go, glass jars, doors, glass cleaner, Facebook.
I have an address, I have a car, I have a boyfriend, I have a family, my fingers work.
Relief, awareness of my negative actions, repair, computers, it’s ok to be scared.
Fun, dancing, cycles, understanding, medication, balance, staring.
Sandpoint Idaho, shopping, working, walking, I’m not in pain, I have good health, insight, Rose.
Joy (even when I am not experiencing it) contact lenses, the importance of everyday mundane stuff.
Sleep soon, shill out radio station, being alone at this moment, email.
Getting caught on a walk in a downpour with a baby on my back, special time, taking a time out, hugs, friends.
Feeling content, computer mouse, baby hugs, tasks completed, keys, keyless entry, unlocked doors,
When things work right, Thrift stores, anticipation, razors, the car wash, letting go of blame.
Signing papers and putting a deposit down to move into a place near a lake with my honey, sharing my life with someone feels satisfying, fans
The trail, Pandora, work, meetings, music, children’s laughter, water, coffee.
Random texts, friends, waiting through transitions, my vision, nice people
An amazingly powerful storm, banks, parks, music, rhythm, having someone to share life with.
Yard sales, nice drives, getting through something hard, prayer, putting a dollar on the ground for someone to find gave me great joy.
A reclining swiveling soft rocking chair, summer heat has finally arrived, talking things out, the TV isn’t on, sparkly on my toenails.
New panties, JC Penny’s, coupons, making a resume, progress, clouds, suntan.
Ordinary days that are nicer because I am sharing them with someone, meeting Joe, final approval on the house in Medical Lake, BBQ ribs with no sauce, lying in bed playing trivia crack till past midnight, giggling and sharing.
Swimming, a baby hug, veterinarians, trains, rocks, toenail clippers, transitions
Line dried sheets, WIC, Rose kisses, Koda hugs, George is coming, boxes on the side of the road for me, wiggly happiness.
Humor in hard situations, people that tell the truth, respect, integrity, the nice red car.
Seeing our new place, a 3 mile walk with my honey, sweet relief from tension, excitement for change,
Medical Lake, looking forward to the future.
August 2016
My favorite goober, harmony, fresh air, summer nights, football season is coming.
Support, a walk by the lake at dusk, betenarians, containment, tomato plants, Silverwood.
Getting a mercury filling removed and replaced, Silverwood with friends, autonomy.
Support, a walk by the lake at dusk, Veternarians, containment, tomatoe plants, Silverwood.
Getting a mercury filling removed and replaced. Atomonmy.
Bedtime, a full day, last day at my job, notifications, sidewalk chalk, Petey, change, God’s timing.
Getting all dressed up for dinner, Cassandra’s lizard, yard sales, flannel shirts, floating in the cold river.
Yard sales with my honey, bass, Medical Lake, a fun shared day.
Favors, hard work, baby clothes, baby hugs, George hugs, not having to wear socks.
A new shared tablet, a weed eater for $1 from a yard sale that works, having the week off from work, seeking new employment soon, move date in 5 days.
Resolving conflict, the trail, boxes, getting rid of almost as much as I packed, purging, tea, friends, a full day.
Sunrise, classical music, Zane’s 1st walk, Pokeman, circulation.
The Red Ranger (Junior), fans, time with kids and grandkids, buying my 1st pair of reading glasses at almost 46, change.
Towels, simple things, helpers, asking and receiving an answer, fans,
The new place, George, merging our life, pallets, hoses, pause for kisses.
A full moon, my car, ringtones, rest, the big picture, average.
Closure, internet, soccer, a wife t talk to, progress on the move, icemakers, filtered water, hot days.
A first bike ride around Medical Lake, electricity, getting cozy, riblets, calling people sweeties instead of dumb asses, working on criticism.
A luxurious bubble bath for my exhausted body, getting settled, the comfy pink chair, compromise.
The serenity prayer, DSL, getting organized, talent, curls, parts, batteries.
Applications, a big TV, timers, games, comfy chairs, online application, garbage service, stores, confidence that I will get a job.
Water, sewer, garbage, DSL, gasoline, hugs, WIC, patient people, acceptance.
Bare feet, invitation to dig deeper and look closer, empathy, pretty colors, compromise, teams.
Sharing my life with someone, my desk, progress sheets, open windows.
Observing an old couple that mirrored George and I. Getting the last load, affection, being pain free, being home.
Unpacked the last box today, a walk/swim/bike ride with my sweetie, my desk, a feeling of security.
Treasures at the thrift stores, the smell of lemon, shelves, seeing all the grandkids.
Letting the process unfold with patience, moving stuff along, variety.
A new community, finding a strong meeting, daytime sex, candles, riding our bikes to the hardware store, time alone.
Change, Christmas lights, finding good deals, things that bring happy simplicity.
A-Z…Abstinence, beauty, candles, curtains, desks, enough, family, grandkids, George, God, Happy thoughts, Hyundai Santa Fe, innocence, Judy, Kids, Laura, lake, money, naps, omnipotence, patience, quiet time, rest, summer, time, understanding, vulnerability, Windchimes, walks, sex, yes, zippers.
That Geo is so fun, pillows, sharing, books, insurance.
Finding my place in my new life, cards, laughter.
Music, George, abstinence, a reason to get up, doing what I don’t feel lie.
The pick-up, farm fresh eggs, 4-H, my honey got me flowers.
A long retrospective walk, finding home in a meeting, being uncomfortable.
Kids, railroad safety, close football games
Structure, clarity, Medical Lake, yard sales, softball mit.
I didn’t puke today.
Bills, autopay, insurance, afternoon delight, sharing responsibility.
Getting out, opportunity, clarity will return, that I don’t really like pizza.
Community, enough, yearning for acceptance, candles, long walks, prospective, tears, classical music.
Seasons, free stuff, a keyboard for Koda, protection.
Sturdy cloth bags for groceries, the truth, work.
Walking, phone calls, letting go of something big, that I am not prone to worry, a lead on a job.
A nice day with my hunny and grandkids, a nice house, a big bed, a Spiderman skateboard.
George vacuumed my car for me, self-care, practicing balance in chaos, babysitting Rose, dinner with Ali.
Showing up. Riding our bikes to Trivia night, doing Ali’s laundry, reflecting on the question “What can I contribute?”
People that care, this day is over, classical music, a nice warm cozy bathrobe.
This will pass.
A shift, using only 2.5 towels a week, eating veggies.
A magic pill, photography, senior photos, electricity, that I can walk, a bike ride.
Options, geese, my bike, a warm day, getting to see my grandson tomorrow.
Wading, a nugget of good news in all the bad news, Koda, wading in the Lake, Trivia Night
Indecision, dogs, trying something new.
Grandkids, walks, backpacks for babies, the knowledge I have attained.
Winco, sales, pineapple, listening and observing and noticing my gut feelings, waiting.
That my body isn’t in pain, my soul is in pain due to spiritual complacency, I have value, people who appreciate me.
A brisk bike ride, geese, the TV isn’t on, Pandora, a dog will come into my life.
Distraction, geese, company, football, a walk with ma Herner, touch.
Effort, outreach, Trivia, ready for a change.
Contemplating meditation, appreciation, calm.com, a new friend, expression, my bed.
Opportunity, jobs are out there, spiritual hunger, mediation timers, friends.
Watching a movie with my sweetie, a very nice car, bringing consciousness into spending.
Bedtime, little kids, a memorable walk, fantastic photo opportunity, being home.
Sleep, diluted hope, Karma the dog.
A nice doctor, seeking relief, solutions, band aides, tooth brush Sonicare style.
Calls from grandchildren, uncertainty, Trusting the process.
Striving, trying something new, being hungry, an abstinent day.
Growing faith, hope, my pillow, clouds, missing him, hunger, humor, willingness.
Humility, value, re-learning a little at a time to include God again, errands with George, Pandora, Goodwill, pretty boots.
“I love sleep” nose antisnore things, football, the truth.
Calmness, patience, growth, hope discipline, surrender that turns into serenity.
A nice warn soft bathrobe, dogs, remembering, my grandpa turned 90, grandkids.
Self-awareness, a changed life, being home, dept of recovery in FA, right now, boundaries, sparkles. Feeling better, the grace of clarity.
My oldest turns 24 today=the relationship we have now, a full day, warm comfy shirts.
Doors, longing for God, a new job, perspective, solutions, color, learning, deadlines.
Borrowing the neighbor’s dog for a walk gave me some joy, having a honey bunny, phone lists, people who do service.
Seeing unnoticed beauty, balance, self-awareness, peace of mind, a place for things, a new start each day.
Right now, paperwork, doing something I procrastinated for a long time, finally, glass food storage containers, music, ear buds, a long walk with the neighbor dog.
Companionship with God, connection with my partner, getting my WA drivers license, Costco, cashiers, errands.
Someone told me I had the most beautiful eyelashes she had ever seen today, getting blonde and red highlights in my hair today, being abstinent, a new life, being amazed by it.
Tests, making it on time, flannel shirts, I’m not always irritated, being abstinent.
Riding my bike, clothes, enjoying George, AWOL, a changed attitude, boxes, heavy rain, my nice car.
Contentment, the small still voice, text messages, imagining God in surround sound. Batman.
Hope, grace, prayer, I have what I want (abstinence) and it feels amazing, Trivia night, having enough time.
Abstinence, God, my health, recovery, meetings, an exciting world series, hackeysack.
Working, humor, Christmas lights, enthusiasm.
The weekend, people, adoring my boyfriend, afternoon delight, points of connection, pretty hair, eating the broccoli I didn’t want to.
A flushing toilet, a fun photoshoot, fall colors, thrum tacs, a growing relationship with God.
Editing, simplicity, complexity, appreciation, commination, positive thinking.
Resources, programs, being abstinent, the internet, my children, Guinea pigs.
Riding our bikes to Trivia night, beautiful Christmas lights, getting a schedule, boots, enthusiasm.
Not getting my panties in a was about the election, being mad-but not getting stuck on it (different topic), slowing down pretty soon.
Today, meeting a new client, being abstinent, a pleasant fall, people who care, caring for people, Washington state.
Getting some time off, Grocery stores, humor, passion, fulfilment.
Nutrition, Pandora Radio, that I don’t have cancer, long socks, anonymous niceness, a good football game.
Foundations that are strong, shutting my mouth, enjoying George, Trivia, hugs, service, commitment, guidance.
30 days of abstinence, a long walk with grandkids, people I love, dog cuddles.
Patience, projected Christmas lights, knowledge, experience, growth, my nice red car.
The moon, fruit, Facebook, meetings, the power of prayers, keeping my mouth shut.
Work, classical music, integrity, being abstinent.
Work week is over.
Bedtime, the dishwasher, AWOL, people who get it, my soft bathrobe, growth, discipline.
Grandkids, my grandpa, purity, balance, solvency today, peace.
Having a honey, washer and dryer, indoor soccer, my ice car, nowt driving it today, humor, the dog next door.
George sharing his family, adoration, plans, laughter, playing card games, that I am not a worrier.
Moderate eating, family, special sexual connection with George.
Water, home, my kids.
The past, lessons, I am mostly content with my life, a comfy bed with a cuddly man every night.
Perspective, a long sleep, Geo’s enthusiasm for life, Christmas lights, a day for grief.
Affection, comfort, snow, butt warmers in the car, gloves.
Affection, sparkles, scarves, typing past gratitude, baseball.
The art of surrender, timers, Christmas lights at 4 PM when it is dark already.
My first paycheck! A little financial relief for a lot of catching up, being around Guinea pages and grandchildren Buying both girls a strand of Christmas lights to brighten their day.
Nocturne, options, toenail clippers, being of service, pictures, glee from a baby, time to reflect, that I can type using the home row.
That everyday isn’t like today.
Flirting with my honey, anticipation, football, dinner together.
Learning, surrendering criticism, the discipline of commitment, seeing my sister and niece.
Kids, progression of growth, comprehension, guinea pigs, getting to cuddle my dying dog, holding a puppy and not wanting it. Waiting.
Learning a deeper level of humility, a meeting that gives me balance and serenity, to offset the one that steals it, the serenity prayer, choice, recovery.
Coffee, tires, a new battery, errands, seat warmers, that I can push a button and remotely start my car-how fancy. Good record keeping
This day is over, it’s snowing.
An easy delightful work shift, end of the work week, a pretty purple dress, a photoshoot at a Christmas party coming up.
Freshly painted nails, a whole day shopping with my honey, finding a really great gift for someone I love.
Hearing George just say “I am so happy, my life is good”, remembering wrapping a Christmas present for the first time in years, First time buying a Christmas tree that was very beautiful, decorating it with George, that I have a someone.
Grandkids, Christmas decorating, shopping with Koda, a nice car, the growth I have had over the last decade, outreach calls.
Shooting a work Christmas party, my camera doesn’t collect too much dust, lifting weights, health insurance, setting a boundary.
Trust, work
A washer and dryer right in my own house, my very nice car, connection with George, experiences, my desk, thinking about grandkids.
A restful day, my work schedule, humor, plans, the furnace.
Finding a treasure shelf at Goodwill with discounts, the Dollar tree, doing Christmas this year, feeling mostly fulfilled except spiritually.
Grandkids, dogs, purity, a good meeting, clear roads, my fancy car.
My fancy car, thrift stores, a haircut, Rubber boots for playing in mudpuddles.
Racquetball, a nice new dew, losing weight, celebrating Christmas this year, family.
A nice day alone to reflect and get clarity around finances, slippers, washer and dryer, snow, candles, wages.
A nice snow shovel, the beautiful snow, happy people, spending the holiday with a special person, making a difference.
Finished with a 16-hour shift, rest, my toes, wrapping up the end of the year, sparkles on my eyelids and fingernails, the furnace, reading (Came to Believe) “My understanding is that everything God sends my way is for my Benefit”
The funky time between Christmas and new years, long cords, smiley faces, fancy pens, toddler enthusiasm.
Prayer, sledding, gloves, paper, Koda getting in the car after sledding and said, “Now that was fun”, watching young children discover.
AA, the traditions, messenger, nothing urgent, glasses, contacts, doctors, the baby, seeing all my grandkids, snow.
1-800 contacts fast friendly service, records, passwords, connection FA, new people to call.
Preparation, choices, advocacy, purple shirts, verification, GEO is coming home, our 2 year anniversary today.
People who care, caring, that I don’t drink, abstinence, an easy day tomorrow.
2013 Gratitude list...
January 2013
1~Reflection. Renewal. Starting fresh with the wisdom of experience that passing of time brings, small grocery store carts, puppy cuddles, something shifted in my grief yesterday-a release and acceptance. A little girl named Annie sat in my lap and colored.
2~A shift in perspective that has loosed the shackles of pain. Hope. Courage. Invitation, maps, mushrooms, volleyball. My fingers/hands/arms/shoulders. Breakfast. Receiving the gift of 90 days of abstinences (not hurting myself with food). Purging unnecessary stuff-most “stuff” really isn’t necessary. There’s always enough. The prayer “God, I trust You”, practicing smiling-even when I don’t want to. That I fell in love again already! I ended up sleeping with him after a couple of months. Maybe it’s just “puppy” love. He has a real tail-unlike the tale I am telling. (HA ha), I named him Bubba and I’m keeping him!
3~Each day holds gifts. Hair barrettes, hot showers, my friend crocheted soles for my favorite slippers, waking up with a thankful heart, letting God know about it. Herbal tea.
4~I will be blessed. Laughter changes brain chemistry, work.
6~A message from God yesterday “Bask in the Glory of my Love”, Celestial love, a beautiful white gown. Church starting later this year. A very engaging audio book, a full day, sleeping well. My legs work well. Being 42 and not needing reading glasses yet.
7~Waking up to “I will write you a Love Song today” going off in my head. Value, rewards, silence, learning, empathy, a new lady friend to sit with at church, reflection. A new year. Practicing smiling even when I don’t feel like it.
8~Slippers. Beautiful snow. Dinner with Ali, Brandi Carlile, photographs, Shifts, my fingernails, knees, hips, email, laundry baskets, bowls, my big white dog Petey.
9~Stregnth in faith, patience, confidence, vball, a shift in perspective by taking an action I didn’t “feel” like doing-smiling and sharing myself with others, joy comes in the morning, adjusting, acceptance, people who care.
10~Peace, editing, progress, water, the power of humility, influence, choosing to be around things that influence me positively. My potential. Intentional living, focus.
11~God’s strength. Desire to be helpful. Visiting the farm, I didn’t cry yesterday, opportunities to learn.
12~Natural. The way to keep things that matter most is to give them away. Toilet paper, red, sunshine, computers, debit cards, caring for others, 3 people told me they loved me the other day. My faith is expanding.
13~Refining out impurities, freshness, cleansing, puppy love, good sleep, my girls both have a great sense of humor. A warm house, protection, finding a great sale on blueberries, gleaning, the freezer.
14~I am loved, I am loveable. I love. Taking actions of love. Learning and growing.
15~Giving back replenishes me, relaxing into acceptance, the winter season of grief will pass and next comes the spring blooms of new growth. Releasing resistance. Balance, strength, rejoicing, butterflies, seasons, connections, a puppy named Bubba.
16~Doing the things I know when I don’t feel like it because I still want to be of service to God. Perseverance. Influence. Everything I do matters. So much of what I do affects others. I matter. I am grateful to understand this in the middle of profound grief and depression. Puppy hugs.
17~Effort. “God I trust You” uttered often, protection, the profound gift of being able to walk and run and jump and skip, email, personality tests, the sound of the violin, bonding with some women. Choosing not to use Styrofoam. My personal choices do make a difference.
18~Slow, wisdom, knowledge, experience, intentional deliberate right action and the blessing it produces, dancing rainbows from the crystal hanging in the window. That I can see, the joy the puppy Bubba brings me, I learned how to darn socks yesterday, foundation, expanding faith, “God I trust You”
19~Faith, actions motivated by the Holy Spirit, seeking faith, studying faith, learning faith, believing in faith, God knows the desires of my heart more than I do, His unfolding plan, my participation in His unfolding plan, longer daylight, having my houseful of people for dinner. My sponsor.
20~Purpose in conflict. The big picture, yesterday I paused to contemplate how amazing contact lenses are (think about this), great conversations and breakfast with my daughter, having a nice smile. Herbal tea, meeting a great lady yesterday because I was willing to serve, blessings, connection, 2 big moose in my FENCED back yard under a big moon. Watching them jump. Moose are gracefully awkward-like me sometimes.
21~Calm. Every hard thing is a part of a puzzle that produces the best outcome, faith, God wastes nothing, asking help to pay better attention spiritually. Meaningful experienced noticed, pain that transforms into a joy that fills all emptiness.
22~Truth. Perspective. Comfort, God’s word, a better life than before. My life keeps growing richer-especially with hard stuff. I don’t have to like it. Battery chargers, Quiet times of meditation.
23~Searching. Sobbing, missing and yearning for my healthy nurturing mother-I believe that is what she is becoming now, restoration, there is an end to the pain in sight, strength developed through pain, calluses, honesty.
24~Vision. God will wipe away every tear. The hairs on my head are numbers and change daily-probably hourly. I am cared for, the bigness of God, opportunity for resentment and refusing it, prayers, hope, limits, perspective, a new phone.
25~Luxuries such as running water & electricity & toilet paper & grocery stores. Tonight I have a blind date that isn’t a “date” just a meeting. Warmth in the winter, snow shovels, joy is coming, the way Bubba stops everything he is doing and visually enjoys immensely being scratched.
26~Calm. Knowledge, self control, perseverance, Godliness, brotherly kindness-love all added to faith (2 Peter), preparation. I would not have the relationship with God I have if I had not suffered so deeply-I believe this is the way He planned and wants it-for us to be closer. Warm jammies, spending time with my daughter.
27~This moment. Taking Ali to a coffee shop, hugging a beautiful rooster, POF, Friends, I am loved, slippers, my glass top stove, tea, the amazing amount of love one little puppy has to share, options, choices.
28~The splendor of God. Asking for help, faith, repentance, intense pain, grief, it will pass and I will experience intense joy and happiness and I praise God for both.
29~Purpose. I was praying for a Great Dane, and God (thinking He was funny) sent me a Chihuahua. I gave it back. Then God sent me another one-this one was pregnant so there was 5 puppies. Well, I helped one deliver-he came out backwards. So, my Great Dane is Bubba. So I now call him Bubba Dane and tell him how Great he is! God’s great sense of humor, light, love laugher, growth, extra work, missing my mama, God’s grace.
30~Restoration, healing, God’s unlimited patience, eye glasses, feeling joy for a few moments yesterday-it was so foreign and profound. My strong healthy body. Purple shirts, a wrist watch to wear, familiar sounds, seeing that what I want is actually choosing the harder path.
31~The spiritual growth in sacrifice, the neighbors helped me shovel my driveway-one shoveler is 3. Guidance. Agendas, Thursdays, the Nickels worth, a fresh day.
1~Searching for the truth, digging into God’s word praying for protection-seeing my prayers answered. Connection. People who need help. Bubba Dane Miles. Fresh starts daily. Laughter.
2~Authentic connection, the effort of love returned, riding my bike to work for the first time in months. Wind chimes, pictures, being prepared. Looking for good in different people.
3~Self-respect, delight, wonder, gratitude. Opportunity to throw out preconceived notions to see if God has a different idea to show me, humility, that I don’t know everything, learning, God uses all of my experiences in a complex undesirable to me puzzle for His greater purpose and my ultimate good, diversity.
4~God’s invigorating power, seeking, persistent prayers, seeing my grandson-watching his face light up when he saw me. Sharing my testimony at my ”home” ward (that I no longer geographically attached), connection. Taking my grandpa to meet a lady. I thought answered his ad for a live in caregiver-but he was answering her personal ad! I accompanied my gpa on a blind date (how funny). I am going to try to help him find a girlfriend. It will be a fun way to spend time with him.
5~Practicing spiritual growth daily, welcome gestures, challenges can prune me in beneficial ways, the life lesion of “seek 1st the Kingdom of God and His righteousness”, I have enough.
6~Longing just to be near God. Listening, quiet, the amazing athletes I play ball with. Heaters.
7~Accepting something I don’t agree with in order to have peace, I’d rather have peace than be “right”, paper towels, hangers, options, car pooling, the depth of God’s love and the hunger I have for God’s love. My gpa.
8~Waiting. Guidance. Allowing God. Making space for Him, the grocery store. Paperwork, files, intelligent conversation, people that are conscious, seeking.
9~”God I trust You” prayer/mantra/affirmation uttered over and over is so very powerful. Loyalty, “…love cares for the welfare-not the momentary preferences of the loved one” (Randy Alcorn 90 Days of God’s Goodness) My sponsor, integrity, a great lesson.
10~When God prunes me it is for my good. Knowing there are dormant buds and bulbs that will bloom into full life-only to got to sleep again later, cycles, season, perspective, what I do today matters in eternity, trusting God, hope, Psalm 37, puppy love.
11~Waiting. Fasting from the internet for a day was healthy, kids, guidelines, toenail clippers, Q-tips, toilet paper, baby wipes, water, cuddly dogs, repentance.
12~Messages from God, toenails, protection, safety, apples, verbs, the book “The Shack” and it’s incredible depth. Nice tones, being on time. Pandora.
14~Being in God’s presence. Inspiration, asking for God’s protection daily. Books, finally mowing the lawn off my legs, silky smooth, seeing my gpa, the smell of spring, seeing big patches of ground. Eggs from chickens that have names.
15~Synergestic integrity. Doing the “whole deal” (showing up with all my integrity for life) is much easier and fulfilling than trying to do less. I cheat myself and God with sloth or confused priorities. Spending the whole day with my kids. Freedom from Valentine’s day hub bub, currents of joy that ripple through the day. A beautiful sunset, red and yellow peppers.
16~Deep inner calm, silence, intentionally seeking stillness, focus, the amazing love of God, the book The Shack (a must read), allowing God in this moment, heating pads, ice packs, absorbing reality and sinking right into it, abundant sunshine, melting snow, a weekend getaway.
18~Physical/mental/spritual detoxification, trusting the process as perfect, my sister-reparation of our shattered relationship one tiny share at a time, partnership with God, healing waters of Symes hot springs, friends, connection, laughter.
19~Believing in the miracle, answers are everywhere, change, God’s love, wisdom, revelation, time with Ali, onions, S-anon, opportunity, when my dogs are against me already and try to snuggle closer, people who care.
20~Fluttery moments of God. Dreams with messages, turkeys, chickens, memories, medical insurance, grief, obedience, the blessing of doing the right thing, pure motives.
21~Calm. Rest. The sound of the happy trot of a puppy. Getting comfortable. The movie The Letter Writer. Is now on the top 10 of my favorites.
22~My actions and words have a rippling effect, adapting to what is when it doesn’t need to be changed, effort, God’s amazing plan, earrings that twinkle, funny mistakes, ability to love. Talent.
23~Eternal life. Temporary discomfort is less significant when seeing the big picture, God’s amazing love. There’s always enough.
24~Sharing, welcome, Cassandra’s baby shower, dog toys that make cute noises.
25~The power of God, looking for zombies in a deserted parking lot in the middle of the night (you had to be there), showing up emotionally for someone I love, witty emails, trying to wrap my head around 6’9”, I have 6 chickens, noticing neglected prayer, rectifying it with prayer.
26~There’s always enough. When the small still voice speaks loud and clear, confirmation through God’s word, reminders to remember (ha ha), “Joy comes in the morning” Enduring to the end.
27~Whole. Perspective while still, filters, my greatest challenges are what helps mold and grow me into who God intends me to be, “bad” things aren’t bad-they bring me closer to God-and how could that not be God’s will? Purpose, gratitude changes everything that matters-perspective. It takes intention.
28~Trust. Funny noises, fresh cotton jammies, spiritual investment, anonymous service, Kleenex, blessing I receive from hardship. “bad” things are often filled with spiritual growth. Learning to wait.
March 2013
1~Purpose in pain. Beginning and endings, middles, someone vacuumed my porch, cast Iron Pots &pans, glass top stove, little birds, windows, summer season is ahead.
May 5th(Randy Alcorn 90 Days of God’s Goodness)
"...On one of those terrible days during my husband's cancer, when he could hardly bear the pain or the thought of yet another treatment, and I could hardly bear to bear it with him, we remarked on how wonderful it would be to have just a single ordinary day." How many of us fail to express gratitude for those ordinary days, wishing instead for something better?..."
In 2011 I am GRATEFUL for
December 2011
1~Compassion. Soup. Soup kitchens, a place to gather, silence, intentional spirituality, stability, boot dryers, mild weather, clouds, books, the library, time to read, an uncommonly calm period in my life (hey Ill take it!) Environmental science, bathroom books, haircuts, new beginnings, visiting a friend I havent seen in a while.
2~Developing. Evolving into the person God intends. Effort. Reading that worrying is practicing atheism-not trusting God (He is or He isnt) to provide. Strong words that ring truth. Ah-ha moments, Audio Books, abstinence, I am about to have a date with God early morning uninterrupted space & time & attention just for Him-whom I adore. I am really looking forward to it. Joyful anticipation. Awakening.
December 3, 2011 I read in a Ensign Magazine to write 10 things I am grateful for in each category. It opened my mind.
Chickens, dogs, books, heat, school, tea, cloth bags, baskets, pumpkins, my fingers.
Things about Today-
Special time with God due to insomnia, humidifiers, slippers, rest, hunger, openness, opportunity to do good, time to read, stretching my gratitude muscle, 3:25 AM, this moment.
The Gospel-
General Conference, Ask and you shall receive, missionary work, I am saved, Guidance from commandments, Holy Ghost, The atonement, prophesy, D & C, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Writing, reading, walking, smiling, helping, smelling, cooking, driving, praying.
Material possessions-
Geo, pressure cooker, garments, watch, bible/scriptures, laptop, purse, toaster oven, nice socks, journal.
Cassandra, Ali, mom, Phyllis, Jean, April, Karin, Andy, Lorien, G-pa
Things in Nature-
Trees, lakes, sparkles in the snow, fresh air, full moon, fruit trees, berry bushes, blue Herons, rocks, animals
Brussel Sprouts, squash, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, bananas, avocado, pinto beans, eggs, almonds, apples, oil.
Modern Inventions-
Toilet paper, cell phone, pens, books, beds, cars, running water, candles, grocery stores, websites.
Shepherd Lake Loop property, Talache, long bridge, Yokes, garden, chicken yard, The Temple, Leadership meetings, right here, food bank, Cocolalla.
3~Satified. A drastic quieting of mental noise compared to a year ago. Perspective. Seeing beauty in all things, pausing to enjoy the sparkles in the frost on my car before scraping them off, the pace of my life.
4~Letting go of control. Failure brings growth, the hunt for righteousness, word of wisdom, daily discipline, molecules, timeless moments, now is forever, Gods solutions, colors, pens.
5~Learning to give of myself. Experiencing the pain of procrastination, that I keep having lesions until I learn them. Seeing a really amazing play done by local people from a small church-Its an amazing Life, acting, talent, live performances, seeing the impact on many lives that 1 person can make, how we are all connected. Having Gods Spirit with me. Eating meat sparingly, being vulnerable-doing something uncomfortable-saying something some people dont want to hear because I believe its what Heavenly Father wants me to say.
6~Abundanct sunshine, God has promised me that if I do good and follow His counsel I will have peace beyond comprehension, Baseball caps, faded blue jeans, slippers, swiffers, science, laughter, cinnamon, recognizing danger, dialogues with God.
7~Spritual nutrition sustains soul starvation. My soul is no longer undernourished. Adorations & praise for my God that pulses through my body. Priorities, my Gpa got cataract surgery yesterday, acceptance, enjoyment, enthusiasm. Audio books.
8~ Quality. A prayer that people be healed from their obsession with nothingness. Dish soap, sharing, cut off points, learning that altogether isnt as correct as all together (reading a book on most common mistaken words), hormones. Joy.
9~Reminders. Rest in God. Newcomers. Feeling overburdened by a responsibly & the reminder to look up-I have been depending on myself to much, surrendering criticism, dryer cords, laugher, shinny coats, today, my job, my client, sharing.
10~Silence. Attention & time set aside daily just to listen. Noticing breath. Watering house plants, hair clips that work well. Ecosystems, surrendering criticism, live plants, performances, zippers, the smell of orange.
11~Newness. Joyous sunrise renewal, beautiful sunset closure, everything in between-especially right now. A sparkly shimmery shirt someone was wearing, Sabbath rest, noticing miracles, insight, seeking solutions.
13~ Confirmation. Being able to be of service. Reading in my Environmental science book that the less meat (&dairy) eaten the better it is for the environment-not just an opinion or concept but a scientific fact. It takes 20 pounds of grain to produce one pound of beef. That is a lot of resources. (the waste from 20 lbs of grain is immense as well) Reading in medical documentation animal products cause heart disease/cancer/& many other diseases that are ramped in the US. Humility to let go of what I think- to see the truth & immense spiritual experience that came with it.
14~Calm. From quietness comes strength, resting place to commune with God, adjusting, listening to my body, the smell of cedar, new dress boots, the power of prayer, a returning member.
15~Unique opportunity to be of service. The good Shepherd, being led, plans, purple, joy, the journey, eye lash dye, phone lists, the furnace that warms me, garlic, squash, elk, time, pillows, learning about population.
16~Happiness is a result of doing the right thing, integrity, awareness, noticing pride, relief, slippers, the truth, surveys, my computer, books, food storage, not living in clutter, my job, trust, book marks, the growth I have received from reading lately, my watch.
17~Spirtual laws, freedom, faith, hope, love, confirmations, synergy, tie die, early mornings, Christmas partys, 100% cotton, plans, learning to embrace hunger, liberal with praise.
18~Purpose in faith, Guidance. Seeking Gods intention intentionally. Reflecting His Blessings. An amazing visit with my daughter. Vision, manifesting, asking God to be comfortable with naturally occurring hunger, hunger & habit for God. Foot prints, the Temple, being enveloped in the Spirit of God. Christmas lights.
19~Facing fears. Fingernail polish, books, knowledge, study, coconut oil for moisturizer, Albert Smith, mist, closure.
20~Protected. A divine plan for my life. The gift of surrender, stars, playing Boggle with my daughter. Thorne Research, the smell of fresh air on my cat.
21~ The pieces are put together, focus, quiet gentle pressure of my conscience. Movement, waiting, special time with my daughter, integrity, learning how to not intentionally speed, the truth, being in gratitude slows time.
22~Gods leading, clarity, protection, woven, pillows, spelling, socks, prayer, purple, preventative medicine, outreach calls, being of service.
23~Every experience is valuable. Peace, Solutions, non-resistance, boundaries, quiet, the food bank, my laptop.
24~The privilege of recovery, learning moderation, personal revelation, invitation, being a connector, the color combination of pink and black, hues, shades, colors, still being an active part of my grandsons life, being able to support my daughter through her pain of the adoption. His adoptive parents truly love him and are completely dedicated to his care.
25~Celbrating the life of Christ everyday, rejoicing in the death of Christ and remembering His atoning sacrifice often. A fresh coat of snow. The promise of hope whispering in my ear, shoes, I have enough.
26~Worhty causes. I have no waste from Christmas-no bulging garbage bags or a bunch of stuff I dont want or need, the Christmas cards went in the recycle bin, I used an old calendar for wrapping the few gifts I gave. I enjoyed a simple relaxing non hubbub holiday-I feel so free. Horse hugs, getting to stoke a wood stove, shoe laces, return polices.
27~Continuted development of character. I have time for God. I make time for God, Urgently slow.
28~Trust. The place of 100% surrender. Divine Purpose. Surety of Gods plan as the best-He wants to give me the desires of my heart, absolute trust.
29~Charity. Work & prayer. Ron Boyd-his life & light has been an inspiration to me. I read more books in 2011 than most ears. Personal growth, the Temple, dedication, learning how to give of myself, searching for a house with property, a good buyers market, a fun/honest familiar real estate agent, high standards.
30~Living my life fully so as not to have regrets. The immensity of practicing gratitude in my life. Taking a break as I heard the small still voice advise. Looking at Real Estate is really fun. Not being in a hurry, a buyers market at the right time of year, trust.
31~Experience Gods wastes nothing. Answers. Questions. The thrill of life, the ending of an amazing year, a deep desire to surrender criticizing and judging others. Helping my daughter buy a used car, my kids know I am here for them. Joy. My Thyroid.
November 2011
1~Hope. Noticing. Waiting with joyful anticipation. Prayer, sobriety, being where I am & not wishing or wanting anything different, magical fall days, scarves, goals, visit teaching.
2~Faith. Belief. Understanding the more I give-the more I receive (as long as my motives are unselfish), a deck of cards, saying goodbye to Gus-a lovely boxer that shared the immensity of his love with me- for a time, ring tones, change, a nice walk. Gpa is finally willing to get hearing aids, visiting him often lately. I think hes doing well for losing his wife of 60 some years.
3~Gods unlimited power. Gods power is blocked off from us by our indifference to it(24) Seeking, books, making time to read, college, letting life unfold while asking for Gods power & blessings, noticing miracles, pumpkin.
4~Joy is always possible, gratitude changes things, tick tock of the clock, rhythm, spelling, vocabulary, words, my Grammys wake today will probably evoke feelings about her death I havent been able to find yet. Mops, Murphys soap oil, shoes, my hair-I love the gray hair coming in (means I am gaining wisdom!)
5~Joy. Relief. Pressure. Not rushing, slipper socks, a pink sweater, my gpa. Saying goodbye to my Grandma. Putting honeysuckle rose oil on her & telling her thank you for being my Grammy. She finally got what she has been talking about & yearning for years-death. Closure.
7~ When Gods grace flows through me into others, when Gods grace flows through others into me. Channels, conduits, containers, lids, funnels, notepads, seeking contentment by practicing contentment. Trials bring me closer to the source of my joy. Not resisting reality-such as complaining about the weather or time change.
8~Change. Longing in my heart. The difficult experience of not being a dog owner for the 1st time, I am not without dogs, working for rewards in Heaven, time to read, my little purple planner, Words of Wisdom. Accepting depression, learning how not to try to force a solution, hairy legs, long warm socks, lace.
9~Looking for the good. Friendship with God. Reading a book (what a privilege!) that talks about laughing 7 seconds upon awakening. I tried to just croak out a laugh this morning-it will take practice for laughter is a foreign thing at that time-but immediately I was rewarded with happy endorphins (warm fuzzies) that flooded through my body=so I will practice chuckling. I like warm fuzzies!
10~Gods strength in my life. Learning to smile more often. The Travelers gift by Andy Andrews was a delightful easy read that will forever change me. Practicing laughter (it is difficult to do intentionally and takes effort but warm fuzzies are a great reward) TRY IT.
11~Sincere interest in others, self respect, water, intentionally smiling at many people, sticky notes, valuable life lessons, perfect pattern of mistakes to give me the growth intended just for me. Trust, pink ink, laugher, pink elephants, squash for .38 a pound, honey crisp apples. God is preparing me and the beautiful soul of the man He has chosen for me. It will be exquisite. Being justifiably angry with someone that was in my car & tense-then hearing myself say (a prompting from the small still voice) I forgive you. Relief & love & joy swept over every part of my soul & body for the rest of the night. I felt the joy & calm of the Holy Ghost residing within me. It was an amazing experience.
12~Having needs is not wrong, when my soul cries out for help it is heard and received. I dont improve things by criticizing them. This period of has been a deep spiritual awakening in growing awareness. A lot of it has to do with food (go figure) & coming out of unconscious eating. Just yesterday .I received a gift
A Gift of Yogurt
A friend bought some yogurt he found on sale. The thick Greek kind-its so creamy and yummy. I havent used regular (mainstream) yogurt in a while. I just made a batch of yogurt from raw milk that I bought at Winter Ridge. My guess is the cow had a name. Daisy or Mable was hand milked. I believe she was stroked and talked to as the local farmer leaned into her warm body forming a connection. Daisy cow has eaten grass in the field. She has swished flies with her tail as she contently chewed her cud. She probably was breed by a real bull and got to have real cow sex.
So I started thinking about this yogurt in a plastic container from New York (and the gas it took to bring it all the way across the country). The nameless machines smashed into Confined Feeding Operations (CFO/CAFO) that are pumped full of antibiotics to combat deceases (what an interesting misspelled word) diseases present in the dark crowded filthy environment. She is pumped full of hormones for more production (hey it costs less money). This girl did not get a hunky bull. In her synthetic environment she was artificially inseminated just days after her last birth. This is to bring the consumer a less expensive product.
I realized that every time I buy or eat these products I am a part of this synthetic process. I eat unconsciously. I dont think about where my food comes from (or if I do -I turn my head and choose ignorance-it is just too uncomfortable. I unintentionally promote cruelty by my conscious choice.
Because of cost?
But what is the cost really? I dont trust there will be enough? It boils down to fear. There is always enough. When I choose to participate in this cruelty and put it into my body I am consuming it. It then consumes me, my integrity. It becomes a part of me. As it goes into me, it comes back out of me with the choice of my next purchase. It is a circle of unconscious ignorant pain being reused and recycled in an insatiable fear-based herd mentality of consumerism. I am no better than the cow-for she doesnt have the gift (or curse?) of the power choice. I know- she is only a cow. But I am choosing to keep my integrity. I received such a gift with this yogurt. Thank you, but I will be refusing the yogurt.
3~Laughter. The reward from the intense effort of PRACTICING laughter, the Temple, this moment in time, evolution into who I am becoming, the name Daisy, cows, spots, acceptance, hot tea, phone lists, shimmery scarves, menstrual cycles, pads (many women do NOT have this luxury), my toothbrush.
14~Looking for the good in people-finding it. Dinner & cards with friends.
15~Noticing overlooked miracles. The ability to read, the complexity of life. God can put all the pieces together for His perfect harmony when I do my best to stay out of the way. My mother is my greatest teacher. The evolution of me. Bubbles, bras, long socks.
16~Reverence. Strength from unity. Mental stimulation-not from thinking-but from reading/studying/contemplating. Concentration, my toes, intensity, relaxation, someone told me I had a nice neck-it is a sort of strange thing to have a nice one of-but hey I will take it-so I am grateful for my neck ,umm my nice neck. J Rose tea.
17~Unity. Quiet follower of God (me, quiet? HA HA HA) Entering into the joy of the Lord, joy, peace, how things seem to work themselves out, my friend Rose, quiet time.
18~Mistakes are fertile ground for planting seeds of growth, learning, reflecting Gods love, Thrift stores, fresh pumpkin, abundance, good snow tires, hunger, love, heat, visiting, visitors, accepting joy, throw rugs.
19~Values. Water, protection, dreams, motivation, the 2 feet of snow that fell in 24 hours, being snowed in, still having electricity, snow shovels, books, Smallville.
21~ Peace of mind, comfortable. Effort, mental strengthening, reading, concentration, Asking God for help with my critical thinking. Thoughtless periods in the brain that are without incessant thinking (and NOT blanking out on something like TV)-just pure consciousness. Noticing and striving for these periods.
22~Life is interesting. One of the most important things I can do for someone is smile, charity, beauty, Tuesdays, earphones, rocking chairs, simple abundance, abundance minus stuff.
23~ Courage. Split peas, Petey is visiting, spots on a dog, tolerance, a calm spirit, couscous eating, practicing laughter, Brussel sprouts trees, carrying 25 lbs of oat bran about a quarter of a mile & being astounded that I have had 120 extra pounds on my body before. 25lbs is an intense amount of weight-perspective, hearing a humble person cannot be humiliated
All truth passes through 3 stages. 1st ridiculed, 2nd violently opposed, 3rd accepted as being self-evident Arthor Schopehauer. I have been doing extensive study of facts (not my opinion) and animal products sold in the grocery store cause heart disease and cancer. Scientific data proves this.
24~Thanksgiving everyday. I dont have to binge today-nor do I want to, the small simple daily investments add up to a wealth of wisdom, prosperity, reading Gods word every day, rain, sleep, hunger, letting go.
25~Longing for God. Divine rest. Talents, screwdrivers, laughter, going to tea with my daughter, spending time with my grandson, zebras, thrift stores, knowledge, wisdom, gray hair (means I am getting wiser!)
26~Rewards. Praying to be a pat of Gods purpose, seeing with the eye of faith-Jesus asked the blind man what do you want me to do for you? The blind man replied That I might see, God help me to have sight. Ensign, the spread of the Gospel.
27~Asking myself-what is my present relationship with this moment? Sitting in the moment-redirecting when my mind wanders. Holly McGarry, naps, borrowed cuddly dogs.
28~ Effort, noticing moments of joy, now is forever, now is where life truly is, anonymous giving, exercise. No longer in a hurry-I want to be where I am in the present moment. Eckhart Toile, squash seeds, organic non-GMO, education, consciousness of the food I put in my most valuable possession-my body (& health). A decision to not use animal products from CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operation), animals that has been treated cruelly, most all meat in the grocery store on Styrofoam-including milk and yogurt & eggs.
29~God is present with us. Seeking awareness of this presence. Plans on cooking pumpkin with a friend, pillows, kind gestures, lists, orange, my kids, when people tell the truth (something I dont even notice unless I am lied to and notice) a soft kitty on my lap, veterinarians, having very few expenses, a simple life.
30~ Losing my self in the immensity of Gods love, refuge, silence, harmony, Yokes has locally grown organic tomatoes, $10 off coupons, pumpkins, lemon oil on wood, a nice table cloth, sponge mops, learning about myself, recognizing self-will, letting the day flow & unfold.
October 2011
1~Spiritual guidance, a soft loveable cat, a down pour, Relief Society, ovens, rocks, Rummy cube, plans on finishing my 2 year degree spring semester, classifieds.
2~Commitement, 4 way ink pens, people, opportunity for growth, darling princesses, healthy relationships, overcoming fear.
3~Quiet assurance from His Spirit through personal humble righteousness. Calm, spiritual work, Peace is the result of righteousness. There is no peace in wrong doing (24), believing in people, asking for help to let go of a judgmental & critical attitude. Gods promise of Ask & you shall receive, General Conference.
4~Benevolence (a sincere desire for the well-being of others), kindness, debit cards for getting gas, the dictionary, blankets, mirrored character defects (awareness from seeing my faults in others), things that are constant as they change, paradoxes, exponential potential for growth, weighing and measuring my food brings freedom beyond description.
6~Now. Ringtones, mormon.org, missionaries, service, going to bfast with my daughter, rain, being honest when I wanted to avoid the truth.
7~God uses His strength through my weakness. Fresh veggies from a local gardener, the smell of fresh cilantro on my hands, seeing both of my girls (separately) and they were both nice to me on the same day (miracles do happen!). The abundance of fall harvest. I really like my housemate/employer, praise, long socks, central heat, picking corn off the stocks, my Gpa and Gma.
8~Tolerance. Orange, a cat named Coal that has claimed me, beauty, sunglow lined clouds, Italian prune, time, Gathering the lost tribes of Israel. Restoration, mushrooms, eating things that are in season.
9~Listening. Garlic. Sparkly beads. Answered prayers, dinner with several friends, playing games, schedules, being vulnerable.
10~Serving God joyfully. Cherishing the normal (Im reading a book where a little boy is dying and he asks his mom if he can go outside and play with the dog. She was still in that moment & celebrated the normalcy of that moment as something profoundly amazing). Perspective, awareness.
11~The small things. The toxicity of a little white lie, reflecting on the concept of purity-without poison. criticism poisons purity, looking for ways to simplify, icons.
13~Willingness to grow, measuring cups, important meetings, voicemail, vivacious slowness, balanced spiritual passion, open-minded.
14~Growing faith, harmony, the atonement, My name is Judy & I am a hippie farmer from
North Idaho and I am a Mormon is my introduction onwww.mormon.orgprofile. Elder Risenmay, asking God to help me, praying asking for heart felt prayers rather than unconscious mutterings-its working! (Ask and you shall receive), the profound awareness simply slowing down and focus chewing my food is bringing to my life.
15~ Deep satisfaction through seeking Him in all things. Making choices today in the little things that have eternal consequences. Connection with others, a little wicker shelf, the release of tears from missing my farm, asking God for help so my prayers are attentive/heartfelt/meaningful & that I am conscious and not just mumbling.
16~Liberty. Sunshine, long socks, the happy sound of a dogs trot, yams, harvest, heartfelt prayers, repetition, silk, being of service, connection with my daughter, acceptance.
18~Humility, self-respect, strength. Leading with weakness, hot water, not eating or shopping for food unconsciously, waiting and watching uncomfortable situations unfold according to Gods plan rather than trying to force a solution. Invitation. Invitation to participate in a miracle. Wow.
19~Answered prayers, laughter, a new phone, a very helpful verizon wireless customer service representative that loved her job. When it is obvious someone loves his or her job.
She helped send an apology email to that last rep (that didnt love her job-and I didnt help) that I hung up on after saying whatever bye (I am STILL not perfect!), opportunity for growth. Getting to hug a turkey & a chicken, the color on the trees is starting to change, happy face stickers.
21~The longing of our hearts, God stands at the door and knocks, abiding peace, my job, my client, glass water jars, cloth bags with zippers, pillow, my new phone, personalization, paper, fixing something rather than buying new, finding beautiful jewelry holders, my daughters 19th birthday, dedication, awakenings, VZ navigator.
22~Building (verb!) foundation of unshakable faith, conference calls, deciding to embrace rather than dread an activity has really lifted a cloud-and I will enjoy the experience so much more, scriptures.
23~Choices. Honest. The more I give-the more I have. An evolving personality of grace, going through being uncomfortable, pounding rain, candles, patterns, prayers.
24~Safety in the midst of evil. Making time for Gods grace to come unhindered into my soul(24). Pausing to ask God rather than bulldoze forward thinking I know what is right. Comparative study bible (4 versions side by side).
25~Now. Now is mine. I can do with it what I want. I own it, for better or worse, what I do now, in this present moment, is what makes up my life. My whole life is only a successions of nows(24). The present is where I reside with God-the only place I can access Him in my limited human perception of time & space.
26~ Pondering Seek first the Kingdom of God How that changes the seemingly little daily decisions. Awareness, how much I have growth to Love-fallen in Love with my Heavenly Father & His Son, companionship, commitment, dreams. God wants to give me the desires of my heart.
27~Guided. Choice. Choosing the right. My Grandma died in her sleep. She didnt suffer or drag out a slow agonizing death-she had a relatively good health until a sudden end-I prayed for that. Thank you God for answering my prayer.
28~Mistakes. Today, long socks, Sparkles in the frost, hugs, my gpa, lap blankets, hit water with fresh lemon, organic local farms, sharing separate lives together, that is ok to be uncomfortable-I can just be.
31~Contentment. How all the pieces combine to make the whole-and that changes by the second. Acceptance is serenity. I wont be eating any candy today (thank you God), I will be cooking pumpkins. Finding big pumpkins for $1 each. Apples. Harvest.
September 2011
1~Confidence in God, consistency, change, love, His power, my weakness, strength in weakness, patience, understanding, joy mingles in the pain. A level of acceptance that brings serenity in deep persecution.
2~Obedience. Purity, structure, leaning a new game, Coal-my cat, surrender, I can pray for my mother-she took my home from me without provocation, being resentment freeing this intense situation. Psalm 37, geraniums.
3~Leaving my burdens in His care. Relief. A flow of money, shelves, printer ink, Audio books, listening to The Shack an amazing book. Going school clothes shopping for probably the last time with my senior, beauty.
4~The presence of the Holy Ghost in my day, visiting a friend, in-between extremes, chairs, perfect timing, socks, caring people, opportunity, nice candles, speakers, my cell phone and all its great features.
5~ Spiritual progress. The strength of Gods Spirit in me. Awakening, plants, company, sprinkles of hope, curtains, empathy, pillows, dimples, my thumbs, Gus.
6~The complexity of relationships, split peas, live & let Live, gloves, pruning fruit trees, integrity, hot sunshine, licorice tea, learning bubs, growth, awareness.
7~ The resting place in His Spirit, refuge, relaxing, Easy Does it, moderation, leaves, opportunity, work, reading my left hand.
8~Reflection-if the next 12 years are as growth filled as the last I will evolve into one very wise woman. I love getting older, evolving, maturity (my 41 bday is in a few weeks). Flow of money, letting go, receiving, community, the perfect timing of grace, contentment returning, safety in Gods grace, joy cinnamon, variety.
9~Gradual light of dawn, the sudden light of a light switch, electricity, refrigerators, signs, organizing, dogs, balance, scales, accountability, Mae Beers, picking the last of the beans with my gpa in the shade of the corn, growth, seasons.
10~ Live keeps getting better & fuller as I get closer to God (even as the stuff gets harder), standing apart together with others (in the world), rewards from serving God, electrical tape, ladders, pruning shears, dog hugs, the beauty of where I live.
11~Happiness come from doing the right things. Practice. Light bulbs, Lev 501 Jeans, prayer changes things. Priorities.
12~Authenticity, absence of intolerance, uncanny understanding, trains, my toes, balance, blankest, sleep, direction, hunger for spiritual growth.
13~The power of prayer, wind chimes, tea with Phyllis my new housemate/emplyer, a newness, time, reading books, audio books, warranties, the Temple, extra early morning time to spend with God, indoor plumbing, reducing consumerism.
14~God-help me with my unbelief, growth, I dont have to take meds for high cholestral or blood pressure, I dont have any aches and pains or health issues due to what I am eating Empathy for those who are murdering themselves with food unknowingly (been there, done that), freedom depending fully on God. The joy that comes in the morning.
15~Stillness. The color orange, seeing pumpkings on the vine, learning, this quote from Animal Vegetable Miracle If 1 person in the US ate 1 meal once a week locally grown, we would save 1.1 million BARRELS of oil EVERY week! Profound. Thinking about where my food comes from, the privilege of so many food choices-something often taken for granted-just like our amazing roads. Learning to not eat unconsciously.
I just listened to an Audio book called Animal Vegetable Miracle about a family dedicating to eating local foods for a year.
one of the quotes floored me...
If 1 person in the US ate 1 meal once a week locally grown, we would save 1.1 million BARRELS of oil EVERY week!
I had no idea I was eating so unconsciously. OK, so I am willing to let go of pineapple, kiwi, and jacima, and just to pay attention. This was a very insightful book. The consumerism of this country is consuming us, and keeping us in such bondage.
I let traditional Christmas go some years ago, and it has been wonderful. I got the girls a gift once a month (nothing more than usual at Christmas-moderation, hmmm what a concept), I have Christmas lights on a timer all year around, cuz I like them. I eat yams and turkey (well less turkey these days) weekly, cuz I like it. I listen to Christmas music in July. It isn't all or nothing, but I forgo the Christmas tree, I'll take the oxygen thank you, and the wrapping paper that fills enough space people could live comfortably in that same space. I don't buy things that are unneeded for people under obligation and expectation. I have found much freedom in this paradigm shift.
Oh, YAH, the most important aspect of Christmas, is that I celebrate the birth of Christ every single day.
16~Free gifts, gifts with no monetary value, people, bees, hugs, I have enough, autumn, spiritual fruit, scarves, heirloom seeds, organic local foods, a baby blue sweatshirt, living in a home with a washer and dryer right in the house.
17~Righteous living, a dog named Gus, frequent temple visits, yard sales, big lake Trout from our local lake Pend Orielle, the food bank, someone gave me $145 as a part of their tithe-so tithing that I gave some $5 bills away. It was fun-a stranger in a parking lot, the next person in line at the vets, a friend at the check out that didnt have enough, on a chalk board say this is for you. Anonymous groceries. I have learned I cant out give God (as long as it is His plan and not my ego), coupons, tea, simplicity.
18~Renewing my strength in quietness. Rain, season changes, watching the Lion King in 3D with both of my kids. My bible, catching songs with a positive message,. Having deep anxiety (shoes me I rarely have it anymore-so I will wrap gratitude around having deep anxiety-I got through it rather than trying to alter my feelings. Acceptance & not resisting.
20~Spiritaul laws. Geranium petals, fallen leaves, work gloves, long socks, bonefires, without smores, special friends. The Book of Mormon.
21~Praying that my spiritual life is not hindered by my intellectual pride. Changed plans, nice fall days, details, candles, toaster ovens, dog hugs, appointments, hot water, a very unique tea mug, the truth.
22~Opportunity to serve, faith, honest, something I say often your process is perfect, my 41st Bday yesterday. I LOVE getting older! Growing awareness around where the foods I CHOOSE come from, my Geo with its 47 MPG, the Keep it Simple bumper sticker on it, joy, secure in the abundance of Gods unending grace.
24~Watching the sunrise during breakfast, winter squash, digging in the dirt, wheel barrows, slippers, nice hot autumn days, not rushing in my life, my bible, joy, taking time for joy, following the Small Still Voice-being queit enough to hear it.
25~Love is more complete & easier without expectations, gradual personality changes as a result of a spiritual experience, making eye contact with cashiers and other people that are important, allowing time to listen. no Explaining, no Complaining, No Blaming
Max Lucado in God Came Near the poison of the ordinary has deadened your senses to the magic of the moment. Youll grow accustom the prayer & therby not pray (not being present while uttering a meaningless prayer is how I took this)
26~There is gladness in Gods service. There is much satisfaction in serving the highest you know. Expres your love for God in Service (24). Health, repentance, prayer, service, working, reading, blessings, fasting, friends, music, endurance, goals, dedication, turning the alarm clock back on to create consistency.
27~Sincere desire to understand the depth of the miracle of His grace. Rain, nice people, pinto beans, pengines, college applications, learning how not to procrastinate, my planner, permission. know and it shall be given unto you a surprise check in the mail.
28~Empathy, when I am able to see its not all about me, calm, Costco, water, perspective, silence.
29~Stregnth. The Holy Temple of God, covenants, consecration, dedication, integrity, being a vessel for the Holy Ghost, heaters, draft horses, sunny fall days, beautiful nature pictures.
30~My fingers, September crickets singing at dusk, trout, winter squash, sweet potatoes, picking apples froma tree, laughter, a lovable boxer, change, learning to keep my belongings light.
August 2011
1~ Striving for harmony, the art of surrender, noticing criticism in my thoughts & actions-taking steps to rectify. Heating pads, hay bales, the whiney of a horse, noticing when I am off the beam (at least I know there is a beam!)
2~Preparing for Gods harvest. Fertile soil, blessings, choosing the right, preparation, raspberries, not eating a single one while picking, freedom, the intense pain in my back will eventually pass-so will depression and fatigue, geese.
3~Gods harvest, preparation, heat, a cat friend, service, writing do something fun in my planner.
4~Cleansed & Healed, appreciation, my back pain is less today, sunrise, going grocery shopping with my daughter, pretty rocks, deer gazing, seeing a coyote, fresh garden produce, warmth, blue toenails, stickers.
5~ Spiritual strength, picking raspberries with a friend, sunflowers, onions, fresh produce from the gardens, direction, yard sales, purpose, uncertainly is opportunity for faith, keeping it simple.
6~ Filled with joy of being awake & alert & looking for Gods purpose for my life. Stillness, refilling my spirit daily with quiet time/prayer/scripture study & desire for my God, people who share their life with me, choices, grass, tomatoes.
7~Seeking, finding, waiting, discipline, enduring, joy, still moments with God, acceptance, paper, printers, when back and front of paper is used, sweet mornings, yard sales.
8~ Balance. Rest. Activity. Soul rest, soul investment, service, Relief Society, humility, seeing my mission in my daily service & activities, priorities, being barefoot, printers, speakers, notebooks, scripture, Ensign magazine. theConnection magazine, hope, socks, tea, effort.
9~ Non resistance, rescue, Gods tender mercy, asking for blessings, journaling, cat hugs, baby goats, getting to hug a friends chicken, grocery bags.
10~Focus, priorities, righteousness minus self (i.e. Not self-righteous), heart rest comfort in turmoil, The Food Revolution by John Robbins is one of the most life changing books I have read, glorious sunrises.
11~I can let God still my private chaos, making very little garbage, friends, my kids, getting to be of service this morning, PT, the shun shining on my head this moment, the sound of a sprinkler, trains, change, abundance.
12~ People are affected by my example, integrity of living a righteous life (LOL-including not speeding), purging more stuff-getting ready to down size again. Learning, special ring tones, responsibility to pray.
13~Through weakness is power, the full range, character, starting the next phase. Coal a stray cat that adopted me a few years back is with me now-just a loving on me, dew, early morning, my journal-I can hear the rattling noise of thinking clanging irrelevant clutter in my head-when I notice this-I can pause and invite God into the moment to quiet & still my soul.
14~Accepting & open to Gods abundance, right living, free gifts, integrity, the miracle of being an abstinent member of FA & a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
15~ Unity, unified, union. Purpose, purposely, the full moon rising over a mountain at dusk, hair ties, glasses, vision, printers, peppermint tea, quiet time.
16~Effective peace, being uncomfortable-knowing it will pass, great joy on the other side, calm turbulence.
17~The gift of surrender, penetrating deep calm through someone elses chaotic irrationality, not letting it into me-but pass by me-what a miracle.
18~The immense power of non-resistance, fresh raspberries, God wants to give me the desires of my heart, dawn, the beginning of a new phase of my life.
19~ Worship. Power, sleep, batteries, great ink pens, foot cream, waiting, answers to prayer-even if its not what I want to hear.
Knowing His plan is perfect & trying not to mess it up by haste& impatience& fear *& my strong self will-surrender is so sweet.
21~Release. A nice cat on my lap. The crow of a rooster. Sunlight on my head. The temple. Patience. The serenity prayer. An offer on the mobile home, options, guidance, forgiveness, non resistance is peace.
22~A beautiful sunrise. Reflecting on fertilizer (not artificial)-it is the waste from a living creature that creates nutrition for the soil-how strange that it is called waste the bad or hard stuff is not wasted-God uses it to fertilize and add nutrition to my growth. Waiting when its uncomfortable.
23~Each good thing makes more good things. Finally a night warn enough to leave the windows open, the family that is looking into my mobile home is delightful. Twinkles in childrens eyes, release, watching my Gpa & this stray cat fall madly in love with each other.
24~Living expectantly. Dead trees make good firewood, purpose, a dream about a dear determined to live, a dream I have of owning property, health insurance, a lead on a job & place to live, joy to behold when I seek it.
25~Waiting, allowing blessings, letting go opens my hands to receive blessings, being quiet brings blessings, my children, the Bonner County Fair, getting a job as a live in care provider part time, moving there on Monday, hot tea, trust, courage.
26~ Harmony. Boundaries, the poultry barn at the fair was exquisite, cows, goats, sheep, guinea hens, veggies, flowers, photography, bare feet, my job, hot weather, natural disasters can bring people closer together.
29~ A reminder to ask God to direct my thinking, the ability to choose the right, inspiration, truth, questions, accepting Gods Spirit, dancing flame in a wonderful smelling candle, noticing stillness, moving today into a live-in job of helping a delightful someone take care of a large house and acreage, change, leaving the buzz that has helped me practice tolerance behind in the travel trailer.
30~Abundance through giving. Fresh crisp line dried sheets, a new (to me) queen bed-ahhh to stretch my 6 foot tall body out, earplugs, getting settled, a dog named Gus, my home teacher, willingness to surrender my big mobile home to my mother, I am free from the utter bondage of resentment.
31~Looking for ways to be useful brings me closer to others. Curiosity, generosity, perfect temperatures, hot sun, writing, painted toenails, geraniums, honesty, connection, communication, walking barefoot.
July 2011
1-Calm faith. A beautiful bouquet of weeds J watching a bouncing baby deer with its mama, blue sky, relief, grief, being IN the difficultness of my current reality rather than trying to escape it. Shoes, being barefoot, painted toenails, classical music.
4~The true intensity of reality-and not evading it. Being Awakened. Observation. It may be one of the few days to break 80 degrees today, trains, the ability to serve. Vegetables, dew, hospitals.
5~Charity. Gods powerful plan for my life-waiting and watching it unfold by my willingness to ask for and receive it. Miracles through pain, sunshine, heat, a great camera, fingernail clippers.
6~Faith. Dictionaries, unloading, writing, nice pens, insomnia gave me the opportunity to spend time with God. Sparkly dancing reflections of the crystal hanging in the window.
7~Asking for Gods blessing, part of Gods blessing is the pain of new growth. My gma is coming home today-she has been really sick. I get the honor of being a part of the team that helps her to die, facing uncertainty with faith, sunshine, bouquets of beautiful weeds, strawberries.
8~Choosing the right automatically puts me in a stream of Gods purpose. Seeing a side of my Grandma I never have before. She is quite funny. I am grateful for my memonry/health/ablitliy to walk/see/hear & comprehend. Crowing roosters from across the way. Being present.
9~Doubt poisons all action(24) I believe doubt is the opposite of faith. I believe (rational) fear and faith can exist at the same time-its called courage. It is an appropriate response for me to have some fear around my grandma dying; I have trust and faith in her process, I can practice faith and fear simultaneously.
10~Expecting miracles. People can change. Open to evolving into the person God intends, earbud headset, hospice, A Way Of Life (AWOL), new beginnings.
11~Simple effective faith. Linked to Gods heartbeat, deeply secure no matter what happens to be. Learning to give of myself in a capacity beyond what I have ever experienced and learning to surrender the conditions I have usually attached to giving (appreciation). This is one of my deep-rooted character defects is being dug up and rooted out.
12~Constant opportunity to serve, constant opportunity to forgive, relying on God, clouds, friends, the gift of surrender, tithe, daily quiet time, commas, the ability to speak, praying to listen more, sunglasses, naps, easy does it balance, awareness.
13~Hard things make me grow, sleeping with the windows open. Sleep.
14~Seeking. Peace of mind during severe persecution. Gods protection, heat on a cold morning. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, connection, a new family, being of service, adjusting rather than resisting, birds.
15~Deep inner calm, progressive faith, tethering my cell phone to the laptop and getting internet at home, my temporary home helps me practice living in faith-not knowing what is around the bend, how funny my gma is, realizing my need for outward appreciation cripples me and my ability to be who God wants, dew on the grass.
16~Deeply secure. Gods protection & Power & Presence & Intent in my life. My thumbs. A day I filled to the max halted with words from my loving Father saying Do Nothing-relief that penetrates the soul. A massage from a wonderful gal. Rest. Balance. A new watch.
17~Willing to receive God. A day of rest, relief, picking pea pods that I planted, making time to read (that feels impossible at times), the 12 steps, my laptop.
18~ Reflection reflecting to me back what I am. Willingness to let go of the need of being appreciated in order to have more serenity (LOL-then I can appreciate more and not DEMAND it from others), I wrote in my journal Father please send some money soon & 2 days later someone I dont know handed me a $100 bill. I praise my God. Ask and you shall receive
19~Deep peace of mind & serenity in a world gone mad, constant miracles-looking for them I find them. Longing for Gods will.
20~Gods guidance-even if it seems against common sense-I will trust. Restoration, forgiveness, appreciation, the song Upheld by my Righteousness, geese, integrity, bath robes, Less is More, donation bins, freecycle, joy beneath grief. I can still love vicious vindictive people who persecute me. Yes I still love deeply.
21~Space between thoughts. A little kid in a car that waved at me. Fresh strawberries, faith, bats, non resistance, the image of someone trying to hit me & I just step aside & let their punch and momentum go into the air of nothingness-pretty powerful not to engage in the drama no matter how deep the personal attack-its like Gods abundant grace. Elsie Barnhart.
22~Diversity, synergy, contribution, Gods unlimited power, quarterly meetings, missionaries, time, slowing down even if it is forced. Contentment under pain, OTs, PTs, chiropractors, massage therapists, heating pads, ice packs, prayer, miracles, sunshine.
23~Helpfulness bound in happiness, inner peace, July 23rd-this moment, learning to not resist the constant buzz in this trailer, trusting, apples, inner peace no matter what others are doing, learning to surrender intense back pain, insurance, deep breathing, focus.
Quote from a movie- Condition for a great miracle is impossibility
25~ A stream of constant miracles-even in the turmoil of being in one of the most painful & difficult periods in my life. The movie Fireproof, forced rest, serving my grandparents, reducing, a new walking partner.
26~The only thing that we may take are the things we have given away (24) DETATCHMENT OF MATERIAL THINGS, Gods Spirit and guidance, that blasted buzz is helping me learn tolerance, hot water, raspberries, letting go no matter how painful-if it is His will is always a relief. (My farm, home, garden, orchard, chickens, dog, goats, berry patch, all the landscape of the beautiful space I was able to reside the last 18 years).
27~Walking humbly with God, this laptop, finding out that I am not big boned like I always thought (excusing my 230 average adult weight), at 6 foot tall 160 pounds with have a small frame (and clear head). Being in a healthy normal sized body for the first time in my life (thank you God for Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous), needing God to do that, bales of hey in the field.
28~Between me & one who persecutes me is my trust in God who shields & protects & helps me love her. Rainbows from crystals hanging in the windows. A hawks cry, my gpa is amazing, bonus minutes, ear bud head set/headphones, technical support.
29~Relief. A cat on my lap, my electric pressure cooker, plans, I am not ruffled if plans change, time. Hanging clothes on the line, organic produce.
30~Faith. Looking for the good, sunshine, birdcalls, yard sales, someone coming to help me today. Parts, release from worry, detachment from identity helps me stay open to God molding me, seeking & obtaining a horse hug.
31~The gift of gratitude. Practicing integrity. When bicyclers use arm signals (blinkers), when people use blinker in the round about. Sprinkles, watching deer graze. 2 men that gave a day of service to raise my sink, generous hearts.
June 2011
A new beginning. A dazzling view. Ease entering the uneasiness of this change. Letting go of the concept of good & bad. Spring greenness. Eating dandelion greens and fresh mint leaves from the yard. Faith. Knowing this experience is right-so right-even when it is difficult. Quiet time.
2~Gods grace. Settling in, spring green, staring, blankets, hooks & things for hanging stuff on, my car, Jesus Christ and His atonement, Heart-to-Heart (LDS based 12 step program), quiet time.
3~Love. Heat. Burners that work, the color green, abundance, there is always enough open hearts, acceptance, hunger.
4~Having God mold and shape me. Clarity, Graphs and charts, excel, my laptop, noticing joy, Epsom salt, spay and neuter clinics, a stray cat (I am a stray cat magnet), Shes on my lap now a lovin on me-shes getting spayed today.
5~Listening patiently for the small still voice. Tender moments, sacrifice, fellowship, freedom, surrender, being single, cat carriers, cat hugs, Sabbath, a home for my geese where they will be loved. Tithe, concentration, testimony.
6~Saving grace. Friends, Needing God. Bare feet, windows, plastic bags, trees, sunshine, shadows, acceptance, adjustment, challenges, a sponsor I once had used to get excited when I would make mistakes-because I had the opportunity to learn and grow from them.
7~Growing in grace-beauty-& power through Gods love, character molding, rear view mirrors, contact solution, sink plugs, lilacs-their penetrating beautiful smell & vivid purple colors, the melody of frogs singing and early bird twittering.
8~Inspriation. Asking God for insight, Handcarts, leather carrying cases, individual uniqueness, perfect timing.
10~Spiritual deposits, wise investments of time, unselfish acts of service. There is always enough. An electric pressure cooker, pulling weeds with my gpa, wide open spaces.
11~Investing in peace, nesting. Phases. Letting go of more stuff frees more space in my life for what truly matters. Special ring tones, mustard, voicemail, drawers, scriptures, blinds, daisies, cleaning brushes, lines, bags, structure, time, right now, pinto beans.
12~Obedience. Foundations, living with integrity-not stringent rules, but uncompromising principles based on what I believe God wants today. God, theres usually sunshine behind fog, networks, reducing, practicing accepting uncomfortable feelings very often lately. A big moose out my window the 2nd day I was here. Being of service.
13~Missionaries, my mission now I understand its a local mission to be of service to my grandparents, mild temperature, lilacs, the new laptop is swell, drinking water, a call from the father of my children after years not hearing from him, answers to prayers, the more prayers uttered the more answers received. Guided.
14~Spare no effort to become all that God would have you become (24). Change, seeking, guidance, pausing when agitated, peaks, valleys, opposites bring meaning to each other, Nesting, finding a sense of home in my little space=no more wandering all over the house-it is all right there-everything I need.
15~Awe & wonder, Gods bounty. You may count all material things as a loss if they prevent your winning your way to consciousness of Gods guidance(24)
16~Happy twittering birds in the morning, purpose, calm, awareness of Gods constant companionship, Audio books, John Robbins, learning the truth confirmed by Gods Sprit, surrender, joy that is complete.
17~Enlightenment. Sadness. Joy. Feeling both emotions strongly at the same time. Pink lady apples. My gpa is amazing. Lemon water, June 17th-a wide open day with no plans.
18~Stregnth in silence. The intense surrender adds depth to my life more than I can begin to describe. Remaining anonymous at times. My imperfections, garments, plastic bags, friendly chickens-I am down with 4 with plans on giving them away. Learning tolerance.
19~Rhythm, structure, evolutions, daisies, choice, diligence, wool socks (in June?-ugh), someone told me summer will begin on Tues! Growing spiritually, quiet time.
20~ Integrity. Learning how not to speed, accepting what is, purpose, pink, smiley face stickers, dew, blessing from being faithful-the ability to hear the small still voice (my daughter think I am schizophrenic-if she could only know the immensity of the joy & direction & peace & contentment that comes from walking a righteous life with such a powerful God that loves us all beyond description- if only I believe with all my heart one day she will. My prayers (and yours) are powerful)
21~Grumpiness passes. that 9 out of 10 things that at that moment upset us will shortly disappear. Problems solve themselves(24)
22~Courage. Sitting in the pain and just letting it be what it is. Non-resistance.
If you resists what happens, then you are at the mercy of what happens. The world will determine your happiness & unhappiness Eckhart Tolle Healing. The food I eat is so beautiful.
23~Pause. Quinoa, classical guitar, support, daisies, lupine, screens, bugs (means it is summer), friendships, deferring consumerism, learning the truth about how toxic eating animal products is, plant based diet with no sugar and flour. Today.
24~Waiting. Light blue, the right thing. A new haircut, a new hair cutting lady that I love! go forward quietly along the path of duty (24), quiet faith, direct guidance, quart jars, peach tea, sharing, Verizon wireless customer service.
25~Filled with the grace of God, when weakness becomes my greatest strength, worship, wonder, a wild flower bouquet of daisies & lupine & clover & some other beautiful weeds. Continual simplifying brings continual peace & contentment. Tea pots, space heaters.
26~Waiting. I rarely rush anymore, challenges, growth, pruning, Spirit led decisions, asking & waiting reaps more than just asking. Dots, hearts, doodling, change, my little space is helping me purity/simply/purge what isnt needed. Clark Fork Idaho, singles, green ink.
27~Poise & peace of mind. Praying to be a conduit for God and His amazing blessings. Service. The immense power & miracle of flight, airplanes, stewardess with great humor, the nicest hotel room I have ever been in. Opportunity to let go of the I hate traveling thought. A pure clean life, a made bed. Joy. Letting go of complaining.
28~ Deep inner confident that everything is as it should be-even the painful stuff when I am seeking and following Gods will with all that I am.
29~A stray cat that visits, water, a friendly mosquito (I wasnt so friendly-she isnt buzzing anymore-but I am awake and out of bed and can spend this extra time with God-so I will be grateful for that friendly mosquito!) Bulk foods, reusing plastic bags, cloth bags, tidiness.
30~ Now is the time I have been made whole. A challenging constant buzz in my new 29 home that helps me to learn acceptance & tolerance, choices, hot weather will come. Time to read. Sevens.
May 2011
1~Charity-love & caring for others. I have enough. Letting go. The moving sale is over. Knowing when to stop. Sabbath rest. Paying attention to now. My Savior Jesus Christ. (Yes Mormons are Christians).
2~Easy Does It. I really dont need to do just one more thing if it creates imbalance and takes away from my spiritual life. Quiet. Stillness. Shadows, a clean desk (thats rare!), purple velvet, big windows, tall ladders, things found in the middle of the road, some people found some real treasures (to them) at my sale. Today, right NOW.
3~Washed clean. The atonement, friends, a low-key day, the dictionary.
4~ A Developing desire to think about God and turn to His loving care constantly. Integrity-when my intentions meet my actions. Obeying the small still voice when I didnt want to. Blessings.
5~Breathe in Gods Spirit. Empty self to let Spirit reside. Empty my material space from all the distraction. Cleaning up, fresh, renewal, hooks, wooden wood chimes, a daffodil blooming. Selling a broody hen for the purpose of fulfilling her hearts desire- to hatch babies. Plans for a big dinner in celebrating the close of this phase of my life. Letting go. Choice.
6~ Daring to suffer. A lovely dinner with close friends. Small and simple things produce greatness. Thrift stores. Dog sitting. Plan B, laughter, badminton, letting go of the stuff.
7~Choosing the right. Effort, text messaging, sincere heartfelt love, LOL the dog I am dog sit I would dedicate the song Every breath you take (every move you make-ILL BE WATCHING YOU). A reminder on my phone to listen to general conference at night. Another carload of stuff to go. J Less is more.
8~Slow. Partaking in regular rest and prayer. 23 days until I move. A great day shopping with my daughter. Big fat rain.
9~Guided. Stickers, lots of green grass. One day it will be warm again-it just has to. Lots of people love me.
10~Calmness is trust in action(24). A clam methodical productive day at home yesterday. The bitter sweetness of leaving my spacious mobile mansion as I prepare to move into the 29 crusin cabin, my last fire in the wood stove, goose eggs.
12~New strength outside myself. Fellowship. Peace. Hope. Safety. Pruning. Overhaul. Consideration. Thinking of others first. Dog sitting ends today. My personal space.
13~ Acceptance & tolerance of others. Ziploc bags.
16~Prayer changes things. Compassion. Noticing myself being stuck to thoughts/concepts that only hurt me with negativity (such as I hate traveling-well when I do travel I pack that thinking right into my travel. Or I am tired just confirms & reinstates & increases my fatigue). Prayer would change these things. Epiphany, paradigm shifts. Dancing.
17~ Preparing for eternity. Appreciation. Reuniting, green grass, blossoms, warm sweaters, reducing, a rug with chickens on it. I have enough-theres always enough. Barter.
18~Fellowship. Joy. Servant leaders. Strength through humility.
19~Dependance on God & others. Tools, the right tools for the job, glorious sunshine. As the donation pile grows so does my freedom. Wheels, circles, multicolored pens. Blooming blossoms.
20~Helping others. Brave and trusting hearts. Heartfelt and intentional prayer for someone brings me closer to her and God. Fresh lines painted on the road. Wall hooks, plugs, electrical outlets. Amazing meetings with spiritual giants (who lead through humility). Instruction, edification, direction, sanctification, binding, glorification.
Understanding and serving the needs of others with Gods guidance)
21~Obedience. Tithing my time. Consistency. Hot water. Now. My curly hair, dimples & shiny blue eyes, my overbite, crooked teeth and ugly feet. I just accept and love all of me.
22~Restoration. Sharing. Claiming Gods strength. The temple, the gift of the Holy Ghost, children, people who are not physically beautiful, challenges.
24~ The more I give away-the more I have. Spiritual strength. A laptop computer. The last week in the mansion A washer and dryer right in my house.
25~The gift of abstinence brings a clearer meaning & purpose to my life. Memories, being present for this moment, entry rugs, computer keyboards, promptings, listening, release from the illusion of control, acceptance.
26~Disipline manifests joy. Joy takes discipline. Rain, big blue pickups, moving furniture, help, help is always available, A goal today of smiling even if I dont want to
27~Dilegence, deep-rooted faith. Feeling deeply secure. My handyman does really nice work, a complete new support & sub floor & floor covering that is beautiful-one I have always wanted. The smell of cedar, peppermint tea, Praying out loud helps me to pay attention.
28~Everyone is uniquely useful. His Spirit. The smell of downy. Pictures, dedication, the greater I serve the greater my joy, balance, blooms, stickers, my handyman and his faithful service.
29~Connecting links, desire, helping others, praying intently before spending $-I felt direction. The broom, dandelions, things that have purpose.
Swenson says in his book In Search of Balance (clutter)
The vast majority of what we own is never used. It is, however, stored, stacked, piled, cornered, shelved, boxed, searched through, stepped on, walked around & at least minimally maintained. And every bit of that takes a nibble out of our balance
30~One among many. Developing, divinity, participation, privileges, responsibilities, moving today, Help, sticky notes, pens, my bible, headset for my phone, a new-to-me laptop, letting go of the bulk of the tower.
April 2011
I am grateful for
4~Practicing humility. Slowing down. I dont have to travel often (I really dislike traveling). Challenging myself not to criticize a person I am finding extremely challenging. The snow is melted. Prayerful people.
5~Miracles of change. God can interpret when I dont understand another person (it REALLY helps when I ask for help & sit still & listen for His insight). Joy, stuff, yard sales, scriptures, missionaries, tarps, newspapers, free classifieds.
6~ Relax. relinquish every material thing and receive it back again from God. Do not hold on to earths treasures so firmly that your hands are too occupied to clasp Gods hands as He holds them out to you in love (24). Going from 1900 to 230 sq feet sure helps with that! I am selling my fuchsia mobile mansion. I bought a 29 travel trailer (cruisin cabin). I am grateful that I was asked to leave this (material thing) land I love with all my heart. This way I can put it fully into Gods hands and let go of most of my material possessions. I am preparing for a mission! (in whatever form that mission may take)
8~I believe. Safety, Christmas lights, letting go, my toes, my dresser, deep inner joy mingles with a trace of grief as I pack and price most everything I own for a moving sale.
9~Love. Releasing the phantoms-the boogieman of what I think can hurt or scare me. Most of it isnt real. My car, doctrine, contemplation, connection.
10~A humble heart. Selling stuff, wooden wind chimes, rides, great joy, rest, work, I have learning opportunity when I over do. Hoses, green grass, goaties. I am forced to build secure fences instead of monkey rig. (Goats have magical powers-they can get out of almost every fence that exists)
11~Authentic. Living the way I believe God wants me to regardless of what others think. Sharing Petey (a dog) with my new neighbor-who happens to be my oldest daughter!
12~Expressions of faith, allowing Gods power in my life. Having needs, having enough, theres always enough. My prayer for today-
That you will see your self as God sees you. Please take the time to ponder this.
13~ Gentleness. Living in the Spirit of prayer. The sweet tears of grief finally came. Goat kisses. Doing what I dont want to do when it is the right thing to do. Lazy susans, stillness, balance, turbulence, movements, forgiveness, big windows, time.
14~Core priorities, balance, poise, inner peace, stillness, grief, pausing to ask God what the next indicated thing is when my brain is full and thoughts want to suffocate me.
16~ Loving others backed up with actions of love. Black cohosh, vitamin D, yearning to not be critical, scripture, grief.
17~Wandering in Faith. Confirmation, More unknown in my future that I can ever remember. Practicing faith. Surrendering criticism. Preparing, Positions, shadows. 45 days left on this beloved property. Opportunity for true surrender, my electric furnace. Purple.
18~ Sincerely caring, learning deep levels of honest-even to the level of not lying about Santa clause. I think it hurts less to know the truth rather than to find out later your have been deceived.
The following was written in a deep state of depression-
Depression. Yes I am grateful for depression. God has given it to me as a gift. It is a way to serve Him. I have a malfunction in my brain, it is biological (not situational). After I have done all I can do with lifestyle (especially diet) emotionally, cognitively, & physically. These all require me to take action first for the feeling to follow. (The feeling often doesnt feel better in depression) After doing these things, and I am still down I know it is not my fault (blame is usually irrelevant). Then, I know it is from my God who loves me. He could remove it, but instead lets me learn more about Him and myself. I have learning not to struggle and fight depression-it will win. Clinical depression is bigger than I am. I accept it . It doesnt mean I pull the covers over my head and sink further into it. It means letting it happen and accepting the reality of now. Depression is not bad. I am not bad. Depression CAN be difficult and uncomfortable. I choose to practice being comfortable with it. I have to put GREAT effort into this when just putting one foot in front of the other is unbearable and seemingly impossible. When the mental fog envelops me and steals my clarity. When sadness comes in such waves I cannot stop the tears. Oh how deep and real it can feel. Yet when I look at my life-it is the same on the outside as it was on a very recent day when I wasnt depressed. So it is not due to situational circumstances. (Although I have plenty of hard stuff) so fundamentally all is well-I still practice gratitude. I know there is joy in my life-its just I cant feel the joy-but I can CHOOSE joy without warm fuzzies. It is not a bad day; just one I wont get through without crying. The pain is real-but it doesnt have to hurt me. The joy is real-but I dont have to feel it to know that I have it. My God uses my depression to help others. So for today I accept it as a gift and that it is to help mold me into the person He wants me to be. I will be happy to exchange this gift-and I am certain I can do that in His perfect timing. I love my Heavenly Father so much I am willing to gladly accept depression today as a way to serve Him.
Here is a dialogue I had with God a while back-
Oh Father,
Forgive me for my lack of attention and time. I didnt pray at our regular time or read Your Word. My quiet time was noisy. I am sorry.
You are forgiven my child. You are showing up now-and now is what we have-now is the best time to spend with Me. Your fear is distracting you. Why dont you release it to me? I will carry your burden-just let it go. Breath. Feel my presence settle over you-calming, soothing, brining you right here to now. I have given you lots of refining, because you are strong and courageous and you have an appetite to get closer to me. In order to do that you must walk thorough some coals into my open arms. The rewards are indescribable. Rest. Crawl into my lap-put your head down and let me stroke your hair dear child. I know how you like that. I love you.
19~ Quiet Satisfaction. Glory. Abundance-so much that it needs to be given away for more and better to come in (and it keeps getting better the more I let go!). The depression broke-it ALWAYS passes, remembering that in the middle of it. Vinyl getting put down in my kitchen-completing the remodel of my house. I will put it for sale now. My Mobile Mansion has served me well for 16 years.
20~On the right path. A good healthy cry about the complete rejection of my family of origin. Classifieds. That the big role of vinyl flooring that I have been tripping over for 3 years is finally laid on the kitchen floor. I get to enjoy it for 42 days, hugs, purpose in pain, lessons to learn, tools, eyelashes & nose hairs to protect me.
21~Renewal. Determination to do Gods will. I am not the person I used to be (THANK YOU GOD!) Im not the person I am becoming. Being the person I am now. A nice vacuum. 41 days until one of the biggest new beginnings I have ever had. I feel Gods comfort through it all. It is so difficult to leave all the love and nurture I have put into this beloved farm. But I have Gods love & nurture to have and take with me where ever I am. Nourishment.
22~Steadfast obedience. Friendly people. Selling things, worship, saw horses, the pretty purple confetti kitchen floor, hangers, pink ink, my job, putting sit still on my list of things to do.
23~Cooperation with God yields much joy! Guidance. Feeling & assurance of His presence. Spending time with my Ali. Food storage, glass gallon jars, people that sing.
24~ Grace. I dont always know whats best for me-but God does. Less is more Less of me is more for Gods Spirit to reside. Less stuff is more time/money/spiritual presence/room/energy/focus and all this =MORE freedom! God is preparing the way.
25~Harmony, joy, beauty, joy & happiness. Abundant joy mingled with grief. The deepest and most profound feeling that everything is exactly right & as it should be as I prepare to leave my beloved farm and land I have cared for and resided on for 25 years-more than half my life. Downsizing, the skill saw, I have enough-I have abundance. I am satisfied.
26~Submission-release-action. Ceaseless activity is not Gods plan for your life. Time withdrawal for renewed strength are always necessary. Rest. I pray that I may learn how to rest & listen as well as how to work (24)
27~ Spiritual vision. Organizing to sell my worldly possessions, watching people grow emotionally & spiritually as they shrink physically is so amazing, Christmas lights, baskets, pens, letting go. Tick tock of the clock.
28~Submision. I will have less stuff after this weekend (moving sale), cleansing rain, steadiness, open doors, being warm enough, containers, joy, maroon ink, candles, true repentance, angry rain, mental workouts, some one delivered and set up a free washer when I wasnt home! (got to love being a Mormon!!)
29~Hope, Harmony. Strength. Weakness. Florescent pink, moving sale today, tape, note cards, sharpies, stickers, acceptance.
30~Sunshine of Gods love, warmth. Knowing there is divine spark even when I dont feel it. Warm weather WILL come, tarps, friends, new friends, service.
1~Consistantly patiently & joyfully seeking hope. Seeing Cassandra smile & laugh, being emotionally present. Family home Evening.
2~Humility. Dog kisses & cuddles, the freezer, long socks, baskets, the Love of God, Today, communication, healing.
3~Joy. Specific prayer, tick tock of the clock, noticing inspiration, paper.
4~Quiet Happiness. Choices. Working for God He promises to bless me beyond measure. The dog door, listening, my prayer list, acceptance, intellect, strengthening intellect through study.
5~Relaxing & Accepting. The abundant grace of God. I can disagree with something yet accept it. God used my experience with depression to help someone. Fresh snow (there is no use complaining about it so I will be grateful for it). Now.
6~ Working for God-with God and His strength to touch others with His love.
7~Hunger for spiritual development. Wanting Gods will for me above all else. Quiet time develops spiritual muscles, preparation, depth, sacrifice. Richard Swenson, Ecart Toile, ink pens, paper, planning miracles with God.
8~Joy of fellowship. Fellowship among spiritually minded people is the embodiment of Gods purpose for this life(24). Having 2-3 people tell me about not running faster than I have strength & then reading it in my daily scripture reading. Amazing abundance in less is more.
9~Honesty. Invitation, meetings, tenacity, endurance, never giving up through constant surrender, inspiration, snow that doesnt stick, mud, missionaries, change.
10~Heavy rain melts snow J. Goats, the smell of hay, influence, working for God. Change, beautiful stepping stones of growth, commitment. Communion. Community, prayer.
11~Quiet. Character. Beauty. Inner Beauty. Impression, reflection, action, inaction. I pray that I may look at great souls until their beauty of character becomes a part of my soul. I pray that I may reflect this character in my own life(24). Lace, street signs, red flags, awareness, pink ink, vanilla scent, tick tock of the clock has been lulling my soul lately.
12~Seeking & learning to be who God intends me to be. Authentic, simplicity, humble reverence, freedom from
unnecessary fear. Calendars, the big picture, having abundance, paying extra in my school loans. Deep contentment. No crisis right this moment, the peace of accepting reality.
13~Enlightenment. Spiritual development, harmony with God when I get out of the way.
14~Perserverance. Wanting to get all worked up about something that isnt mine and then letting it go-I have enough to deal with without depleting myself with unnecessary baggage-what a relief.
15~Praise. Colors, the next indicated thing, mud, perspective, rocks, intellect, exercising my brain daily.
16~Rejecting material distraction, concentration, singleness of purpose, service, praise.
17~Nestled in Calm. Striving to wear the world as a loose garment. Someone gave me a Bard rock (chicken) on Tues-last night she came and knocked (pecked) on my door, She walked right in and made herself at home. She roosted on my desk and went to sleep. I had a chicken friend have a sleep over! What a gift!
18~Simple Trust. Today-right now. (I have a chicken sleeping on my desk again this morningJ). Persistent prayer, gracious acceptance, spiritual exercises, out of town Ward conferences.
19~The magnitude of Gods love. Libby Montana, Gods Spirit is always available, worthiness, monologues, Relief Society, Visiting Teaching, being touched to tears.
20~Meaningful Truth. When people dont fill the air with irrelevant words. The snow is melting. An eviction notice means God has some amazing plans for me. Prayer. Opportunity.
21~Deeply secure. Joy beyond description. Communication. The headset for my phone, good sleep, service, perspective, new friends, clarity, rarely rushing anymore.
22~Spiritual growth is exponential, constant supply and source from a powerful God, a meek & lowly Savoir who is my role model. Fundamentals, receiving by giving, increased health, my toes, a burning deep in my heart to share the gospel & powerful freedom of the love contained in it to embrace the world.
23~Abundance. Victory. Strength through humility, helping others, safety.
24~Trusting. The smell of fresh lemon. Bonfires, chainsaws, rakes, pine needles, splitting malls, gloves, the smell of smoke on my clothes & in my hair, postcards, expression in written word. Heart-t-Heart, before honor is humility.
25~Spiritual Development happens most profoundly by the small simple daily practices.
26~Relief from incessant thinking. A larger that expected tax return. Another debt paid in full-all that is left is school loans! How exciting. Theres always enough-I am satisfied even in lean periods. The power of prayer. Prayers answered, personal integrity.
27~Open. Focusing on what really matters-& its not stuff. Improvement. A clean floor, stickers, drawers.
28~Obedience. Trials do have purpose. Adjusting, acceptance, joy, nails, season changes, tool boxes, service, twinkles, connection, home teachers, goats.
29~Deep unshakable peace. The truth. Hearing Above all dont be selfish Goose eggs. A gift of avocados, yard sale stickers, letting go of stuff makes I dont need anything a dominate thought.
I have enough.
30~Calm. I am learning I dont have to defend myself even if accusations arent true. I am not a victim (a long term difficult lesson with years of retaining my thinking). I can use the opportunity to practice humility & see if any part of it is true & ask God to help me grow. The prayers Bless them, change me
31~Offerings. Worship, fresh air, our Father in Heaven.
February 2011 I am Grateful for
1~Fresh starts. Books, hunger for reading, research, today, acceptance, the serenity prayer, anticipation (like a kid at a Christmas) for the next phase of spiritual growth. Designs, patterns, pink polka-dots, flexibility.
2~The more love I give away, the more LOVE I have(24). I love growing older!
3~My grandma, honeysuckle, my faith and Gods power produce miracles, reading, learning, naps, contacts, my job, giving some money away-then God doubles it and gave it back, heading towards spring, longer days of light.
4~ReflectingStoring up treasures in heaven-not on earth. Band-Aids, acceptance, seeing my selfishness and asking God for help, book shelves, letting go of stuff, lists of things to do.
5~ The gift of setting down the struggle. Learning, allowing change, letting go of my perception of my identity to let God mold me, my biggest desire is to serve God-when that intention merges into action.
6~Longing to dwell in His presence. A technology fast from electricity & phone today. Prayer, candles, sleep.
7~Time. The time of now is always. Learning to shift my focus to now.
Yesterdays unique experience was enlightening (pun). I have so much-including time-the light bulb gives me many hours a day-to many if I am not careful.
8~Waiting. Trust. Guidance. My gentle wind chime alarm that wakes me up, being of service, my daughter called and wanted to come over.
9~ Commitment. Release from fear. Light bulbs, reading Healthy at 100 by John Robbins was very delightful. Time to read is nourishing me, balance, preparation, walking, the ability to walk, my legs.
10~ Pruning. less is more, choices, healing, growth, permanent markers. My Heavenly Father blesses me financially (I believe it is because I gave some money away). A bill I thought I owed $750 was at ZERO. Wowza! So He gave almost $1000 back to my $100. (if you feel prompted, with no hidden motives to give $ away-I highly recommend it!)
11~Learning to cherish waiting.
12~The most important day of my life. I am getting my endowments at the temple today. The amazing progression of getting to know my Heavenly Father better, Significance, symbolism, time, trains, new colored pens. Giving and receiving unexpected gifts, my housemate has arrived. Today-right now. Celebrating 11 years of sobriety today.
13~Enlightened. Confusion is an opportunity to learn & grow in understanding.
16~Deep calm. Silence, stillness, patience, community, feeling well balanced, right now.
17~Worhip, learning unconditional love, an open heart, e-bay.
18~ Ambition, unquestioning confidence in God. My sister and all I have learned from her through the years. Letting go of what isnt working. Deep contentment, the geese are home-Oh how I love their honking! Fresh white snow. Consistency, change, my blankets.
19~Enduring to the end, courage, spiritual secrets that are unlocked when I wait on God. Guidance, strength, patience, wind chimes, singing monks, smiley face stickers, pertinent information, the delete button, files, organization, love.
20~Cooperation. Rest, working for God and not man. I have abundance, ritual, whenever I let go of material I get so much more back. The beauty that surrounds me.
21~ Partnership with God, Finding insurance that is less expensive, schedules, planners, financial security with very little $ J
22~I pray that I may live as God would want me to live. The gift of enthusiasm, stickers, willingness, action, prayers, persistence, taking the action of doing something I didnt feel like produced the feeling of joy after just doing it anyway.
23~The grace of God. Sharing, faith, safety in a storm, my water didnt freeze-In fact-I have running hot & cold water that goes to several places in my home. What an amazing gift!
Quotes from Richard Swensons Margin:
· Crowded lives produce fatigue & fatigue produces irritability & irritability produces indifference and indifference produces a lack of genuine care & that damages ourselves and those we love. (like our kids)
· Speed does not yield devotion
· Would Jesus have bypassed the leper because His calendar said He was late for the Nazareth Spring Banquet?
· What does God think of efficient prayers
· He is not temporally pushy God is easy to forget. He just waits and waits.
· Recognizing unnecessary possessions for what they are: stealers of divine time.
25~Service, the power of true humility, winter will pass, wool socks, laughter, PMS tea. Theres always always something to be grateful for-even when it is difficult to find (Im GRMUPY). Glasses, lamps, fancy ink pens, drawers, notebooks, challenges that help me to grow, patterns, charts.
26~ Enough. I have everything I need.
27~I am well, whole, & calm.
28~ Spiritual preparation. Revival. Being a minuscule part of leadership (Stake Singles Rep) in such an amazing organized humble group of people in my church confirms my heart with all certainly that the church is true. With that statement I dont judge other churches as false-they all have truth. Theres such freedom in that. There is such unconditional love and sincere caring (the kind that invests personal time and commitment) for its members (flock) that I am moved to tears.
This video There once was a Goose named Maria...
January 2011
1~Gods Guidance, Wisdom & Strength. Change. A new season of growth with a new sponsor, a change in my food plan that is more in line with what I believe Gods will is for me (less animal products), my electric furnace, touch lamps, warm clothes in intense cold.
2~Hope & Courage. Today, right now-this moment. A surprise check in the mail, comfort level billing, energy efficient Christmas lights, Sabbath, Free weekend minutes, love.
3~Open, Renewal, flow, sweep, unfolding mysteries, teachers, acceptance, microphones (oh how I love microphones!), inspiration, The Book of Mormon.
4~ Right now. I am truly a food addict, which enables me this incredible recovery. Joy.
5~ Relaxation. When I am relaxed-Gods Strength will flow into me. I will be at peace (Twenty-four Hours a Day= (24)), Conflict helps me to grow & gives me opportunity to surrender obsessive thinking. A vacuumed floor, change, quiet, activity, notebooks.
6~Dicipline. Letting go of useless thoughts (which seems to be most of them-most of thinking is just noisy chatter that clutters), contemplation, peace, acceptance, really good books, being a Mormon-Oh how I love being a Mormon!
7~Silence. Value. Deep reflection instead of unrelenting thinking, rain, wool socks, receipts, being of service, today-right now this very moment, eyelash dye, blessings.
8~ Blessed affliction, when I see the purpose in pain, things that build my strength & character, acceptance, trust, serenity, I m so glad all this rain isnt snow-my house would be buried!
9~Patient faith. Long fingers, ping-pong, courage, revival, the electric furnace, learning more about God every day (that I seek that growth), time, sheer joy.
10~Power in humility. A year ago today the Holy Spirit brought powerful conviction to be baptized & joint the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This new way of life will alter my whole existence (24) and boy-Howdy has it ever! 2010 was one of the years of most profound spiritual growth-a spiritual oasis.
11~Abiding in His presence.
12~ Grateful for gratitude & the profound difference in my life practicing it makes, silence, noise, hearing, listening, paying attention, crisp awareness, wanting to be present, waking up more to this very moment.
13~ The refining process brings me loser to God. Today I am not in one (a refining process), deep breath, playing games, lots of good time with my eldest daughter. Lessons in patience that arent to painful. Praying fervently.
14~ The Twenty-four Hours a Day book. Striving to overcome selfishness, surrender, every bit of self I surrender allows God will mold me into the person He intends me to be-my true self. Whenever I let go I receive so much more.
15~Relax. Reminders, soul balance, Gods strength, melting snow, contentment, doing something completely new.
16~ All the little things do really matter, harmony. Mormon Tabernacle Choir, noticing, perseverance, growth, committees, colors, heavy night rain, contemplation, stillness, organization, dashes, right now.
17~ Understanding. Not being in a hurry, baby hugs, leaving things that dont need to said left unsaid, less verbal clutter (its everywhere), My Heavenly Father and His abundant immense love for all of us.
18~ Slow. the process, time spent invested in my spiritual growth pays great dividends, faith, asking in prayer can be faith in action. Gods abundant gifts, companionship, plans, faith is a verb
19~The journey is each moments destination. (Think about that)
God knows the desires of my heart more than I do. Things that strengthen my spiritual life. Looking for insight/awareness/accepting. Purity.
20~Available for spiritual growth, striving for being at one with God, attracting what I think (pray) about, bubbles, my down comforter.
21~Gunuine authenticity.
Contemplating-the things that matter most are not material but spiritual. That concept is one of the hardest to live. I am soooo grateful for that paradigm shift in my life.
Rearrangement in furniture is refreshing, fresh beautiful snow, oatmeal, time.
22~Thank you God for this amazing life. A housemate is coming, the big picture. Today. Focusing on spiritual instead of material.
23~Breathing in Gods power when I am willing to be close to Him. I was baptized exactly a year ago-the most significant decision I have ever made. Joining an amazing family. Studying how to stay in the present-NOW, simplifying my thoughts, listening,
24~ Long pauses from incessive, love, opportunity for growth, change, consistency. Glory-the intensity of Gods love.
25~The Kingdom of God. Dimensions, purple ink, theres no ending within growth, time-precious time, electricity, the amazing work people who fix the electric lines in every storms so I can have electricity-makes me happy to pay the bill. Not living in exception the they (whoever they are) owe me.
26~ Calm. Fire, wood, crackling, heat, the smell of smoke, dancing flames, noticing, sleep, change, doctors, genuine care, resting from thinking as often as possible, right NOW-this moment. (See a theme for me lately?)
27~ Seeking Gods love & peace & calm. The gift of obedience, the snow fell off the roof so I dont have to shovel it, silence, shadows, road construction (they are fixing the amazing roads dude!) the truth, enlightenment.
28~Trusting now. Pencils, erasers, the gift of the Holy Spirit, chicken poop (gardeners get me here), shovels, pitchforks (guess what I did today?), help, reducing, a new way of life.
29~Stiving to become the person God intends. I am the builder, but God is the architect(24). Releasing money, paying off 1 of my school loans last night! Investing in my spiritual life first, this amazing journey.
30~ Restoration I pray that my soul may be restored in quietness & peaces (24) Being single, powerful learning experiences, feeling the joy of Gods Spirit to the depth of my soul (goose bumps and everything), warm fuzzies, pens with silk flowers connected to them, gentleness, snow shovels, decks, missionaries, pine trees, goats, prayer, green eggs.
31~ Sacrifice & suffering are value of to me, Recognizing excessive wasteful noisy thinking in my head and asking God to be free from it, practical faith, time for joy.
Contemplate that- Time for Joy .
I am Grateful for . . .
December 2008
I am grateful for. . .
When I am able to soften the stem look on peoples faces by taking the time to reach them in whatever way God shows me, volleyball, Yokes Fresh Market, being sober, being single, that I will one day be married when God intends it, living in the town I grew up in, seeing my first kiss dude today.
Verizon wireless planted a tree in my honor because I went to a paperless bill. J Gee thats great.
Proverbs 30:8 .. Give me neither poverty nor riches, Feed me food allotted to me, lest I be full and deny you, and say who is the Lord or lest I be poor & steal and profane the name of my Lord, balance, cherishing my abstinence, good shoes, when people call me back, laughter, variety, my pink watch.
Our God is an awesome God, Sandy B, feeling secure, adjusting food plan to what my body needs, love, getting invited to a Christmas party, my kids are doing well, playing Chinese checkers with my grandma, going on a walk and seeing a beaver, geese, & ducks, letting the stillness embrace me, deep contentment.
Learning experiences, out reach calls, fundamental truths that are tested by time and experience, learning to be right with humility, when people dont talk on their cell phones while being waited on by another human being, Christmas lights, Christmas music, charts, giving, candles, slippers, the crackling of wood in the stove, spiritual foundations, Jesus, principles, promises that come true, spiritual awakenings, not many of these concepts are my ideas-I just relish in them and share these precious jewels, knowledge is better that riches, time, quiet time daily.
Hippopotamuses, jolly people, that I dont drink, my washer and dryer, vacuum cleaner filters, wrist supports, independence that depends fully on God, paradoxes, abstinence, Angel.
The privilege and honor to have a lifestyle many people only dream of-
Living in the country, having a garden, heating with wood, chickens that lay eggs, water from a well with NO chlorine and NO fluoride added, drinking whole raw (NOT pasteurized and NOT homogenized) milk (from cows that have names), having fruit trees and enough land to work available. It is truly amazing and I love my life!
My car, working out my bank balance & seeing nothing there and 20 minutes later reading out of Proverbs 8 bestowing wealth on those who love me & filling their treasuries claiming that promise. A single dog leash for 2 dogs, getting to take care of horses while someone is away, dedicated people who serve.
An average day, my neighbor, a big moon, clocks, a new chicken that I named Marsha, knowing exactly how much debt I have, the days are going to start getting lighter longer soon, spare change, grocery bags, eggs, slippers, brooms, drawers, online banking, Christmas lights, joy & peace, this day is a gift from God, fellowship.
My body knows the truth, getting out of my head made me feel better yesterday.
A big first snow, cleaning the chicken coup, chicken poop (if you grow things-you will get that), the idea of being snowed in tomorrow, my system of doing things, purple ink, my dishwasher, toenail clippers, Fridays at home.
Fresh ginger & lemon steeped on the wood stove in a glass pan overnight, healing hippie abstinent brews, getting great wood that is easy to split, getting horse hugs, a friend over for dinner, a day that I bordered on boredom, getting to brush a horses mane out, making a difference, companionship.
Electricity, gloves, hats, scarves, my down coat, blankets, birch bark, a good audio book with an excellent reader/performer, dog hugs, amends, forgiveness, rest, funks pass (I am in one now), I still see and know of the light on the horizon, leaning on God, mentors, being a mentor, letting go of things I want when God wants me somewhere else-surrender is amazing, my car started on a frigid day, I have enough to stay warm when it is 7 plus a biting wind chill.
Learning to take the despair out of depression, an open day, reading external matters dont create happiness, but a lifestyle of doing the right thing creates happiness (paraphrased).
Mint tea, when I let God use my human limitations for His great power, sparkles in the snow, the last payment on a lingering debt, creditors that work with me, being of service, the smile on my dogs face when he runs with his sweater on-he thinks he looks purty and loves it, funny emails, time, friends, Eli Stone.
Getting snowed in, freedom
The Christmas lights that come on 15 minutes before my gentle alarm ring tone wakes me up, sleeping well, direction from a wise woman, tea tree oil, getting to live off the land yesterday, simplifying, a warm house, email, safety, feeling better, snow shovels, a strong body for shoveling the more than 2 feet of snow we got yesterday, the neighbor that plows, the pretty designs that sparkle on my dogs collar, how he cuddles with me at night, a day at home, love, God will send a roommate when the time is right, learning to wait, notebooks, purple ink, curtains.
Recognizing red flags, genuine humility, anonymity, principles before personalities, sparkles in the air on a crisp day.
People who lead with their weakness, erasers, my computer monitor, intuition, audiences, silk flowers.
Pondering Including God in all my decisions
This amazing spiritual oasis, trust, people who keep on showing up even when its difficult, inspiration,, splitting malls, chickens, that wonderful sinking into the mattress feeling when I lay down in bed, the funny way my dog sits-it makes me smile, asking people what is the best thing that happened in your day? A wonderfully fun 7 weeks as a temp Wal-Mart cashier, I love working with the public, revelations at quiet time, being protected by Gods grace, just a great day all around, I was looking for it-so I found it.
Being of service today, surrendering my agenda, more snow, that I can stay home (I think) for a couple of days through this next foot of snow, boot dryers, a good stretch, snow pants, Christmas lights, joy, my savior, resting assured, lines, reducing, expanding non material, my parallel bible, great bible reading.
Getting to witness these record-breaking snow falls:
1. Most snowfall in 24 hours
2. Most snow fall in December
3. The most snowfall on Christmas day.
A young strong body to shovel, getting laid off so I have time to shovel, having my nephew over for Christmas break, no rushing around the holidays for me, the absolute freedom of letting the holidays be what I think God intends for me, Accidentally making cheese (I was trying to make yogurt and let it sit too long)- what a fun accident, sledding, all 4 of my animals are in the room with me, flax seed oil on sale.
I see some of my positive influence on my daughter coming through in her actions- seeing her do the right thing even though its harder, not rushing blindly into big decisions, not eating over intense unknown feelings that attacked me this afternoon.
The days are now getting longer, this immense amount of snow is sure beautiful, I have time to deal with it, the closing of a marvelous miracle filled year.
Time to be supportive to a friend in need, numbers, shovels, a neighbor helped me shovel the very big snow plow birm at my driveway, God is always with me, my garden that is buried under A LOT of snow-knowing it is there gives me comfort, quiet time, not losing power or phone through this intense weather, having enough.
The amazing job the county and city does plowing, someone snow blew my driveway today, my car handles very well in the snow (for how short it is-grin).
Goose eggs, a moonlight chicken sledding adventure with my nephew, having some one-on-one time with each of my girls, a spiral menu planner notebook, being still after a raucous day, sparkles in the snow, nestled in for the next big storm, pitch, Q-tips.
Lists, checkmarks, hunger, humility, blankets, reading 2 pages of the Alcoholics Anonymous book every night-God arranged that I would finish it on the last day of the year, neat simple endings and beginnings, daily sobriety renewals, my bedroom.
Resolution, relief from chaos and pain, staying emotionally present during something difficult, love, wooly, painting a room, wind chimes, chickens, Lisa the turkey (she is like a dinosaur) Greg the goose that is a girl sure has been lovey lately.
I am so profoundly grateful for 2008. I was catapulted into an intensely deep spiritual dimension by getting clean with the food. FA showed me how to do that, and I am so grateful. I hope to share with others this profound miracle and clarity of not using food addictively. I am so privileged.
November 2008 I am grateful for. . .
Nice people, good boundaries, roads, taxes, seeing my youngest daughter yesterday, special ring tones, a purring cat, my computer, staying at home all day and working at my desk, a clean kitchen, great outreach calls today.
Gods power & love, expecting great things, an appointment to see my grandparents today, free weekend cell phone minutes.
Patience, diligence, amusing things, the look on my dogs face when I tell her how pretty she is-it makes me want to tell everyone they are pretty to see if I can solicit the same joy J, experiencing the dawning of everyday, buffalo tongue, red neck jokes, laughter, joining a team at Wal-mart-the associates seem to really enjoy each other and what they do-its refreshing, stability, variety, acceptance of all things that happens today as part of the process God intends for me, the alarm and calendar in my cell phone, joy, when people are nice to Wal-mart cashiers. J
Systems that work, deep meaningful prayer, team work, reasonable people that are strong in the beliefs and have good boundaries.
A wonderful retreat, nice smelling shampoo in my travel bag, learning a valuable lesson about my selfishness-and how it could domino & affect many people, the same goes with service.
A clean kitchen, orthotics, humility, red heads, insurance, starting the cashier position today, vans, laughter, tests, pretty floors, cuddling with God, Christmas music, rain, things that twinkle, no caffeine, attraction when it is the way God intended, the notebook in my purse, getting lots of hugs, vocabulary, when I get to learn a new word. I want what I have in my life, decisions.
My first day at work went very fast, the process of surrender isnt fun-but the rewards are great, living alone, my dog, seeing other peoples spiritual awakenings, meetings.
Slippers, jars, ladders, tables, my dresser, clearance sales, green, freedom from mediocrity, Kleenex, mascara.
A beautiful bright full moon on a clear night, quote from a tea bag Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely (Rodin), containers, a penetrating richness to my life, someone sharing they took the time to notice they were grateful for The smell of a pear, Burts Bees products, silly ring tones, honesty, peeling off layers of self (will), releasing the last stages of FAA- I was in so deep because of service positions it took a while to fully get out, deep relief to join FA where everyone that is abstinent has a service position, there are MANY abstinent members doing service-its refreshing & alive & not stagnate, time debiting much less in my life, I dont want stagnancy in my life, rhythm/structure/routine that tingles with hope & life. Wow dude thats intense! Thats exciting, thats recovery in FA.
Commitment, looking for the principle, being told no, a conversation with God on paper-so spiritually intimate and insightful and satisfying.
Opportunity, intimacy with God, Simplicity, not being stressed about the holidays, freedom from holiday obligation, patience, slowing down, my stereo, my journal, my touch lamp, down comforter, new shoes, a new life with a renewing (and pruning) of my spirit, books.
A good cuddle with the cat, learning community, envelopes, the cross on my neck-what it means in my life, hugs, learning how to be more intimate with God, spiritual mentors, love, joy, peace, my debts shows me the slow steady process of what consistent payments can do. Prayer is that way.
Watching my dog when he is happy-he cant help but jump for joy. I had a happy day, I love working with the public, relief, empathy, when I can see Jesus shinning through peoples eyes, nice compliments, a daily calling schedule with my sponsor, Im worthy to go through my process, intuition, truth, joy, the dawning of a new phase, a different purse.
Connection with others, customers, kitty cats, compliments, not having secrets, Gods Word speaking to me, heaters, a lovely head covering for prayer, no stress about the holidays, yams on sale for .38 cents a pound, eating turkey and yams every week because I like them, a nice ring tone to wake up to, variety, love, surrender, resources, wind chimes.
This deep spiritual written dialogue with God:
(Me writing) (A person who is hammered by the disease of food addiction and it shows, not only in her weight, but the haggard look and her sad heart) _____ is hurting Lord. Please give her the answers she needs. Use me.
(GOD) Keep praying for her. I am calling her name. She is beautiful.
I sobbed. God told me this lady was beautiful! That He is calling her name!
Its not all about me, goats, feeling impatient about something and hearing Gods voice to wait & just trust, time spent with my best friend, excel spread sheets, knowing where my (Gods) money went by keeping tack for almost a year, clarity, pretty pictures, looking forward to the brilliance of the first snow.
Principles before personalities, a new week, opportunity for growth.
Jumping for joy inside my body, Gods constant reminder to slow down and be still, peace, being in this exact moment, dialoging with God is one of the deepest spiritual experiences I have had & it is happening almost daily! Energy assistance, food banks, circles, Co-workers, floor mats, my fingers (they are handyJ for counting change), silliness, frost, glad it hasnt happened yet-but anticipating the first snow with joy and excitement-it is so fresh, being catapulted into another spiritual dimension that is still-not stagnate, vibrant tranquility.
The softest socks I have ever felt, a very large platform in which to share joy (Wal-Mart), new pants, oysters, a good stretch.
A slow relaxing stress-free thanksgiving, that I p